1) Ryo Yagita and Yohei Abe, Scattering Behavior of Slivers in Shearing of Magnetized Ultra-High-Strength Steel Sheets, Metals 2023, 13(1), 110, 1-10. Link
2) Ryo Yagita, Shunsuke Kimura, Yohei Abe, Effect of shear angle in shearing on stretch flangeability of ultra-high strength steel sheets, Proceedings of The 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material forming (ESAFORM 2023), Apr.(2023), 1007-1014. Link
3) Ryo Yagita and Yohei Abe, Effects of Sheared Edge and Overlap Length on Reduction in Tensile Fatigue Limit before and after Hydrogen Embrittlement of Resistance Spot-Welded Ultra-High-Strength Steel Sheets, Metals 2023, 13(12), 2002, 1-15. Link
4) 安部洋平, 安藤巧, 森謙一郎, NCサーボプレスによるステンレス鋼容器の振動しごき加工, 塑性と加工 64-752(2023) 145-150.Link
5) Yunwu Ma, Reika Akita, Yohei Abe, Peihao Geng, Pengjun Luo, Seiichiro Tsutsumi, Ninshu Ma, Mechanical Performance Evaluation of Multi-Point Clinch?Adhesive Joints of Aluminum Alloy A5052-H34 and High-Strength Steel JSC780, Automotive Innovation, 6 (2023), 340-351.Link
6) Yohei Abe, Mika Sugiura, Takumi Ando, Peerapong Kumkhuntod, Kamthon Septham, Witthaya Daodon, Ken-ichiro Mori, Improvement of Seizure Resistance in Ironing of Aluminum Alloy Sheets and Stainless Steel Cups by Utilizing Laser Textured Die Having Lubricant Pockets, Metals 13-4(2023), 803-803.Link
7) 安部洋平, 任暁竜, 亀井一希, 森謙一郎, アルミニウム合金鋳物と高張力鋼板のメカニカルクリンチング接合, 溶接学会論文集 41-1(2023) 98-106.Link
1) Naotaka Nakamura, Ken-ichiro Mori, Tsuyoshi Komatsu, Takafumi Hayashi, Takayuki Suzuki, Tadashi Okazaki & Yohei Abe, Dual-frequency ultrasonic cleaning with diluted phosphoric acid solution for removing oxide scale of uncoated steel sheets in hot stamping, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 118 (2022), 1227-1238. Link
2) Satoshi Achira, Yohei Abe and Ken-ichiro Mori, Self-pierce riveting of three thin sheets of aluminium alloy A5052 and 980 MPa steel, Materials 2022, 15(3), 1010(2022), 1-18. Link
3) Yunwu Ma, Yohei Abe, Peihao Geng, Reiki Akita, Ninshu Ma, Ken-ichiro Mori, Adhesive dynamic behavior in the clinch-bonding process of aluminum alloy A5052-H34 and advanced high-strength steel JSC780, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 305(July 2022),117602. Link
4) 安部洋平, 森謙一郎, 森山創一郎,T5処理されたアルミニウム鋳物と高張力鋼板の単一リベットを用いたセルフピアスリベッティング,塑性と加工, 63-741 (2022), 137-142. Link
5) Y Abe, T Yamashita and K Mori, Increase in ironing limit of stainless steel cups with lubricants containing ceramic particles, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.1270(MF2022), Dec.(2022), 1270(2022) 012018. Link
1) Yohei Abe, Ken-ichiro Mori, Mechanical clinching and self-pierce riveting for sheet combination of 780-MPa high-strength steel and aluminium alloy A5052 sheets and durability on salt spray test of joints, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 113(1-2) (2021), 59-72. Link
2) AliTalebi-Anaraki, Tomoyoshi Maeno, Ryohei Ikeda, Kazui Morishita, Ken-ichiro Mori, Quenchability improvement and control simplification by ice mandrel in hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel hollow parts, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 64 (2021), 916-926. Link
3) Naotaka Nakamura, Ken-ichiro Mori, Hiroki Okada, Yohei Abe, Punching test for estimating tensile strength and total elongation of steel sheets, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 114-5 (2021), 1847-1858. Link
4) Y. Abe, K. Mori, Mechanical joining of two ultra-high-strength steel and one aluminium alloy sheets using pre-punched middle sheet, Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE 2021), Aug.(2021), 1-5.
5) Ken-ichiro Mori, Naotaka Nakamura, Yohei Abe, Yuta Uehara, Generation mechanism of residual stress at press-blanked and laser-blanking edges of 1.5 GPa ultra-high strength steel sheet, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 68(2021), 435-444. Link
1) Y. Abe, W, Ijichi, K. Mori, S. Miyazawa, Bending process for producing uniform angle distribution from ultra-high strength steel sheets having thickness distribution, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 107 (2020), 2251-2260. Link
2) Y. Nakagawa, K. Mori, Y. Suzuki, Y. Shimizu, Tailored tempering without die heating in hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, Materials & Design, 192 (2020), 108712. Link
3) K. Mori, Review of shearing processes of high strength steel sheets, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 4-2 (2020), 54. Link
4) X. Liu, X. Yang, Y. Sun, D.J. Politis, K. Mori, L. Wang, Characterization of thermomechanical boundary conditions of a martensitic steel for a FAST forming process, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 4-2 (2020), 57. Link
5) N. Nakamura, K. Mori, Y. Abe, Applicability of plastic tools additively manufactured by fused deposition modelling for sheet metal forming, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 108-4 (2020), 975-985. Link
6) K. Mori, Y. Abe, S. Miyazawa, Warm stamping of ultra-high strength steel sheets at comparatively low temperatures using rapid resistance heating, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 108-11-12 (2020), 3885-3891. Link
7) 鈴木康剛,森謙一郎,細谷涼,安部洋平,超高強度鋼板へのテーパーナットおよびボルトの穴抜き接合,塑性と加工, 61-714 (2020), 154-157. Link
8) K. Mori, Y. Abe, Y. Murai, Prevention of delayed cracking of punched 1.5 GPa ultra-high strength steel sheets by ironing with punched slug, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 109-9-12 (2020), 2503-2510. Link
9) Yohei Abe, Wataru Ijichi, Ken-ichiro Mori and Kazuma Nakagawa, Hemming with pre-bent inner sheet for joining ultra-High strength steel sheets of automobile parts, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 4-3 (2020), 77. Link
10) T. Maeno, K. Mori, M. Sakagami, Y. Nakao, Ali Talebi-Anaraki, Minimisation of heating time for full hardening in hot stamping using direct resistance heating, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 4-3 (2020), 80. Link
11) Ryo Yagita, Yohei Abe, Yuma Munesada, Ken-ichiro Mori, Deformation behaviour in shearing of ultra-high strength steel sheets under insufficient blankholding force, Procedia Manufacturing 50 (2020), 26-31. Link
12) Yohei Abe, Kai Sugiura, Ken-ichiro Mori, Ironing limit of aluminium alloy cups with lubricants containing nanoparticles and tool steel die, Procedia Manufacturing 50 (2020), 114-118. Link
13) Tomoyoshi Maeno, Minoru Sugawara, Takumi Saito, Ayato Terada, Ken-Ichiro Mori, Improvement of burnished area in punching of stainless steel thick plate by means of pulsating motion, Procedia Manufacturing 50 (2020), 203-209. Link
14) Tomoyoshi Maeno, Hiroki Homma, Ryohei Ikeda, Ken-ichiro Mori, Automatic re-lubrication by pulsating motion with punch having dimple bottom in backward extrusion of cylindrical cup, Procedia Manufacturing 50 (2020), 231-235. Link
15) Yuki Nakagawa, Ken-ichiro Mori, Michiya Nishikata, Hot stamping of non-rectangular steel sheets using resistance heating by local preheating, Procedia Manufacturing 50 (2020), 298-302. Link
16) K. Mori, Y. Suzuki, D. Yokoo, M. Nishikata, Y. Abe, Steel sheets partnered with quenchable sheet in hot stamping of tailor-welded blanks and its application to separation prevention of fractured components, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 111-3-4 (2020), 725-734. Link
17) Yohei Abe and Ken-ichiro Mori, Mechanical Clinching Process with Preforming of Lower Sheet for Joining Aluminium and Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheets, Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society (2020), 89-92. Link
18) K. Mori, T. Kaido, Y. Suzuki, Y. Nakagawa, Y. Abe, Combined process of hot stamping and mechanical joining for producing ultra-high strength steel patchwork components, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 59 (2020), 444-455. Link
19) Yohei Abe, Takato Maeda, Daiki Yoshioka, Ken-ichiro Mori, Mechanical Clinching and Self-Pierce Riveting of Thin Three Sheets of 5000 Series Aluminium Alloy and 980 MPa Grade Cold Rolled Ultra-High Strength Steel, special issue of Materials (2020), 13(21), 4741. Link
1) K. Mori, Y. Abe, K. Sedoguchi, Delayed fracture in cold blanking of ultra-high strength steel sheets, CIRP Annals, 68-1 (2019), 297-300. Link
2) N. Nakamura, K. Mori, Y. Nakagawa, T. Miyachi, Effect of contact pressure in die quenching on strength of hot-stamped parts, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-performance Steel, (2019), 709-716.
3) Y. Abe, K. Mori, T. Maeno, S. Ishihara, Y. Kato, Improvement of sheet metal formability by local work-hardening with punch indentation, Production Engineering, 13-5 (2019), 589-597. Link
4) K. Mori, Y. Abe, S. Kato, K. Osakada, Prevention of seizure in extrusion of aluminium alloy billet by dies having textured surface, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 2-3 (2019), 206-211. Link
5) Y. Nakagawa, K. Mori, T. Maeno, R. Umemiya, Delayed cracking in hot stamping with hot trimming for ultra-high strength steel components, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105 (2019), 5081-5090. Link
6) Y. Abe, K. Mori, Mechanical Clinching process with preforming of lower sheet, Proceedings of The 8th International Conference of Welding Science and Engineering (WSE 2019), Nov.(2019), 19-20.
7) 鈴木康剛,森謙一郎,前野智美,中村充,安部洋平,ダイクエンチングされた鋼板への棒材およびナットの穴抜き接合,塑性と加工, 60-707 (2019), 335-339.Link
8) T. Maeno, K. Mori, T. Ogihara, T. Fujita, Removal of thin oxide scale by ultrasonic cleaning with diluted hydrochloric acid in hot stamping of bare 22MnB5 sheet using resistance heating, Procedia Manufacturing , 29 (2019), 225-231. Link
1) Y. Abe, T. Saito, K. Mori, T. Kato, Mechanical clinching with dies for control of metal flow of ultra-high-strength steel and high-strength steel sheets, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 232-4 (2018), 644-649. Link
2) Y. Nakagawa, K. Mori, T. Maeno, Springback-free mechanism in hot stamping of ultra-high-strength steel parts and deformation behaviour and quenchability for thin sheet, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95(1-4), (2018) ,459-467. Link
3) K. Mori, Y. Abe, A review on mechanical joining of aluminium and high strength steel sheets by plastic deformation, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 1 (2018), 1-11. Link
4) Y. Abe, K. Sugiura, T. Yamashita, K. Mori, Forward extrusion of aluminium alloy billet using oil containing fine ceramic particles, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 240-248. Link
5) T. Maeno, K. Hirayama, K. Mori, H. Homma, Prevention of seizure in ejection of compact by control of internal diameter of container, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 550-556. Link
6) T. Maeno, T. Taniguchi, K. Mori, Improvement of product strength of bonded magnets by extrusion with counter pressure, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 557-563. Link
7) Y. Abe, R. Yonekawa, K. Sedoguchi, K. Mori, Shearing of ultra-high strength steel sheets with step punch, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 597-604. Link
8) Y. Abe, Y. Fujisawa, Y. Murai, K. Mori, Thickening process of concave edge for increasing stiffness and fatigue strength of ultra-high strength steel sheets, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 605-611. Link
9) Z. Hamedon, Y. Abe, K. Mori, N. Nakagawa, Thickened holes edge including compressed rollover for improving tensile fatigue strength of thick sheet, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 612-618. Link
10) N. Nakamura, K. Mori, F. Abe, Y. Abe, Bending of sheet metals using plastic tools made with 3D printer, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 737-742. Link
11) Y. Nakagawa, K. Mori, S. Yashima, T. Kaido, Springback behaviour and quenchability in hot stamping of thick sheets, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 1071-1078. Link
12) Y. Nakagawa, K. Mori, T. Maeno, Yoshitaka Nakao, Reduction in holding time at bottom dead centre in hot stamping by water and die quenching, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 1111-1118. Link
13) Y. Suzuki, K. Mori, T. Maeno, K. Sakakibara, Y. Abe, Improvement of formability using partial cooling during transfer in hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 1119-1126. Link
14) T. Maeno, M. Tomobe, K. Mori, Y. Ikeda, Hot stamping of titanium alloy sheets using partial contact heating, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 1149-1155. Link
15) Y. Abe, T. Saito, K. Nakagawa, K. Mori, Rectangular shear clinching for joining of ultra-high strength steel sheets, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 1354-1359. Link
16) Y. Abe, S. Ishihata, T. Maeda, K. Mori, Mechanical clinching process using preforming of lower sheet for improvement of joinability, Procedia Manufacturing, 15(2018), 1360-1367. Link
17) Y. Abe, T. Maeda, K. Mori, Improvement of material flow in mechanical clinching process using preforming of lower sheet, Proceedings of the JAAA2018, (2018), 33-34.
18) T. Maeno, K. Mori, T. Ogihara, T. Fujita, Blanking immediately after heating and ultrasonic cleaning for compact hot-stamping systems using rapid resistance heating, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97-9-12 (2018), 3827-3837. Link
19) 中川佑貴,森謙一郎,前野智美,梅宮涼,超高強度鋼部材のホットスタンピングにおける切口面性状および機械的特性に及ぼすホットトリミング条件の影響,塑性と加工, 59-694 (2018), 221-228.
1) K. Mori, T. Maeno, M. Tsuchiya, T. Nanya, Inclusion of hot stamping operations in progressive-die plate forging of tailored high strength gear part, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 90(9-12), (2017), 3585-3594. Link
2) T. Maeno, K. Mori, Y. Ichikawa, M. Sugawara, Use of liquid lubricant for backward extrusion of cup with internal splines using pulsating motion, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 244, (2017), 273-281. Link
3) L. Tajul, T. Maeno, T. Kinoshita, K. Mori, Successive forging of tailored blank having thickness distribution for hot stamping, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89(9-12), (2017), 3731-3739. Link
4) Y. Nakagawa, K. Mori, T. Maeno, 3D printing of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic parts, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91(5-8), (2017), 2811-2817. Link
5) T. Maeno, K. Mori, R. Yachi, Hot stamping of high-strength aluminium alloy aircraft parts using quick heating, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 66-1, (2017), 269-272. Link
6) Y. Abe, Y. Okamoto,K. Mori, H. Jaafar, Deformation behaviour and reduction in flying speed of scrap in trimming of ultra-high strength steel sheets, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 250, (2017), 372-378. Link
7) K. Mori, P.F. Bariani, B.A. Behrens, A. Brosius, S. Bruschi, T. Maeno, M. Merklein, J. Yanagimoto, Hot stamping of ultrahigh strength steel parts, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 66-2, (2017), 755-777. Link
8) K. Mori, T. Maeno, M. Sakagami, M. Ukai, Y. Agatsuma, 2-stage progressive-die hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts using resistance heating, Procedia Engineering, 207, (2017), 681-686. Link
9) Y. Nakagawa, K. Mori, Y. Murata, T. Maeno, Reduction in length of transient region in successive forging of tailored blank for hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, Procedia Engineering, 207, (2017), 693-698. Link
10) Y. Abe, K. Mori, K. Nakagawa, Assembly of ultra-high strength steel hollow part by hemming using pre-bent inner sheet, Procedia Engineering, 207, (2017), 974-979. Link
11) Y. Abe, W. Ijichi, K. Mori, S. Miyazawa, Uniform angle distribution in V-Shaped bending of ultra-high strength steel sheets having wall thickness distribution, Procedia Engineering, 207, (2017), 1629-1634. Link
12) F. Abe, M. Shiomi, K. Osakada, Solidifying behaviour of metallic powder in selective laser melting process, Procedia Engineering, 207, (2017), 1188-1193. Link
13) 安部洋平, 齊藤貴斗, 森謙一郎, 下板予成形を用いた超高張力鋼板のメカニカルクリンチング, 塑性と加工, 58-682(2017), 1029-1034. Link
1) H. Jaafar, K. Mori, Y. Abe, K. Nakanishi, Automatic centring with moving die for cold small clearancepunching of die-quenched steel sheets, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 227 (2016), 190-199. Link
2) C.J. Tan, Y. Abe, W. Daodon, N. Takahashi, K. Mori, J. Purbolaksono, Increase in ironing limit of aluminium alloy cups with lubricants containing nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 229 (2016), 804-813. Link
3) K. Mori, T. Nakano, State-of-the-art of plate forging in Japan, Production Engineering, 10-1 (2016), 81-91. Link
4) Witthaya Daodon, 安部 洋平, 森 謙一郎, 高橋尚志, 潤滑剤ポケットを有するダイを用いたステンレス鋼容器のしごき加工における最適潤滑条件 −潤滑剤ポケットを有するサーメットダイを用いたしごき加工 第2報− ,塑性と加工,57-660 (2016), 22-27. Link
4') W.Daodon, Y. Abe, K. Mori, N. Takahashi, Optimum lubrication conditions in ironing of stainless steel cup with die having lubricant pockets -Ironing with cermet die having lubricant pocketsU-, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, ,57-660 (2016), 22-27. Link
5) C. J. Tan, A. Aslian, Y. Abe, K. Mori, Improved seizure resistance of ultra-high-strength steel ironed cups with a lubricant containing SiO2 nanoparticles, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2016). Link
6) Y. Abe, K. Mori, F. Hatashita, T. Shiba, W. Daodon, K. Osakada, Improvement of seizure resistance in ironing of stainless steel cup with cermet die having fine lubricant pockets, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 234 (2016), 195-207. Link
7) 安部 洋平, 岡本 泰尚, 森 謙一郎, Hasnulhadi Jaafar, 超高張力鋼板のトリミングにおける変形挙動とスクラップ落下速度の低減, 塑性と加工,57-661 (2016), 146-152. Link
7') Y. Abe, Y. Okamoto,K. Mori, H. Jaafar, Deformation behaviour and reduction in flying speed of scrap in trimming of ultra-high-strength steel sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,57-661 (2016), 146-152. Link
8) Y. Abe, W. Daodon, N. Takahashi, K. Mori, Improvement of seizure resistance by roughening surface of stainless steel drawn cup in ironing using die having lubricant pockets, Production Engineering, 10-6(2016), 551-562.
9)Y. Abe, K. Mori, R. Kosaka, Improvement of Fatigue Strength of Hole Edge of Ultra-High Strength Steel Sheet by Punching Process Including Thickening, Key Engineering Materials, 716 (2016),428-434. Link
10)K. Mori, T. Maeno, Y. Yanagita, Deep Drawability and Bendability in Hot Stamping of Ultra-High Strength Steel Parts, Key Engineering Materials,716 (2016),262-269. Link
11)Y. Nakagawa, K.-I. Mori, T. Maeno, Prevention of Local Thinning and Springback in Hot Stamping of Thin Sheets", Key Engineering Materials,716 (2016),487-493. Link
12) Z. Hamedon, Y. Abe, K, Mori, Improvement of formability of high strength steel sheets in shrink flanging, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 114-1 (2016), 012001.Link
1) K. Mori, T. Maeno, H. Yamada, H. Matsumoto, 1-shot hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts consisting of resistance heating, forming, shearing and die quenching, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 89 (2015), 124-131. Link
2) K. Mori, T. Maeno, T. Suganami, Local prevention of hardening for punching of hot-stamped parts, Key Engineering Materials, 639 (2015), 205-212. Link
3) K. Mori, T. Maeno, T. Suganami, Hot semi-punching and cold scrap removing processes for hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, Manufacturing Review, 2-11 (2015), 1-8. Link
4) T. Maeno, K. Mori, M. Sakagami, Y. Nakao, Full hardening of products in hot stamping using rapid resistance heating, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-performance Steel, (2015),323-330. Link
5) K. Mori, Smart hot stamping for ultra-high strength steel parts, 60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming, (2015), Springer-Verlag, 403-408. Link
6) T. Maeno, K. Mori, M. Fujimoto, Improvements in productivity and formability by water and die quenching in hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 64-1, (2015), 281-284. Link
7) Y. Nakagawa, T. Maeno, K. Mori, Forming and quenching behaviours in hot stamping of thin quenchable sheets, MATEC Web of Conferences 21, (2015), 05002-p.1-7. Link
8) Y. Abe, T. Saito, K. Mori, T. Kato, Improvement of joinability in mechanical clinching with dies for control of metal flow of ultra-high strength steel sheets using finite element simulation, Proceedings of 23rd CAPE Conference: Manufacturing Research and its Applications in the 21st Century, (2015), CD-ROM.
9) 安部 洋平, 森 謙一郎, 畑下 文裕, 柴 孝志, Witthaya DAODON, 潤滑剤ポ ケットを有するダイを用いたステンレス鋼容器のしごき加工における耐焼付き性 の向上−潤滑剤ポケットを有するサーメットダイを用いたしごき加工 第1報−,塑性と加工,56-658 (2015), 972-978. Link
9') Y. Abe, K. Mori, F. Hatashita, T. Shiba, W.Daodon, Improvement of seizure resistance in ironing of stainless steel cup with die having lubricant pockets -Ironing with cermet die having lubricant pockets I-, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, 56-658 (2015), 972-978. Link
1) T. Maeno, K. Mori, K. Adachi, Gas forming of ultra-high strength steel hollow part using air filled into sealed tube and resistance heating, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-1 (2014), 97-105. Link
2) Z. Hamedon, K. Mori, Y. Abe, In-situ measurement of three-dimensional deformation behaviour of sheet and tools during stamping using borescope, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-4 (2014), 945-950. Link
3) 森謙一郎, 前野智美, 菅波卓也, ホットスタンピング部材の穴抜きにおける熱間抜残し・冷間抜取り加工と局部焼入れ防止, 塑性と加工, 54-636 (2014), 50-54. Link
3') K. Mori, T. Maeno, T. Suganami, Hot semi-punching and local prevention of quenching in punching of hot-stamped parts, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticit
,54-636 (2014), 50-54. Link
4) 森謙一郎, 伊藤匠, 安部洋平,フランジ付き容器の角部を増肉させる多段プレス成形, 塑性と加工, 55-637 (2014), 148-152. Link
4') K. Mori, T. Ito, Y. Abe, Multi-stage stamping including thickening of corners of drawn cup with flange, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity ,55-637 (2014), 148-152. Link
5) T. Maeno, K. Mori, A. Hori, Application of load pulsation using servo press to plate forging of stainless steel parts, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-7 (2014), 1379-1387. Link
6) 安部洋平, 渡部沙春, Z. Hamedon, 森謙一郎, 超高張力鋼板の縮みフランジ変形における逐次接触パンチによるしわの抑制, 塑性と加工,55-639 (2014), 341-345. Link
6') Y. Abe, S. Watanabe, Z. Hamedon, K. Mori, Prevention of wrinkling in shrink flanging of ultra-high strength steel sheets using gradually contacting punch, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,55-639 (2014), 341-345. Link
7) P. Kadarno, K. Mori, Y. Abe, T. Abe, Punching process including thickening of hole edge for improvement of fatigue strength of ultra-high strength steel sheet, Manufacturing Review, 1-4 (2014), 1-12. Link
8) T. Maeno, K. Mori, K. Fujimoto, Hot gas bulging of sealed aluminium alloy tube using resistance heating, Manufacturing Review, 1-5 (2014), 1-7. Link
9) Y. Abe, T. Ohmi, K. Mori, T. Masuda, Improvement of formability in deep drawing of ultra-high strength steel sheets by coating of die, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-9 (2014), 1838-1843. Link
10) K. Mori, Y. Abe, T. Kato, Self-pierce riveting of multiple steel and aluminium alloy sheets, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-10 (2014), 2002-2008. Link
11) Y. Abe, T. Kato, K. Mori, S. Nishino, Mechanical clinching of ultra-high strength steel sheets and strength of joints, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214-10 (2014), 2112-2118. Link
12) T. Maeno, K. Mori, T. Nagai, Improvement in formability by control of temperature in hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 63-1, (2014), 301-304. Link
13) K. Mori, Joining processes by plastic deformation, Advanced Materials Research, 966-967 (2014), 29-47. Link
14) Y. Abe, S. Nishino, K. Mori, T. Kato, Improvement of joinability in mechanical clinching of ultra-high strength steel sheets using counter pressure, Advanced Materials Research, 966-967 (2014), 607-616. Link
15) T. Maeno, K. Mori, Y. Yanagiya, S. Nishino, Forging of parts having strength distribution using tailor friction-welded billets composed of steel bars having different quenchabilities, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623 (2014), 186-193. Link
16) Mori, T. Maeno, S. Nakamoto, Hot spline forming of ultra-high strength steel gear drum using resistance heating, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623 (2014), 201-206. Link
17) Y. Abe, K. Mori, S. Nakanoshita, P. Kadarno, Direct punching in inclined ultra-high strength steel sheets, Key Engineering Materials, 622-623 (2014), 1051-1057. Link
18) Y. Abe, K. Mori, T. Ito, Multi-stage stamping including thickening of corners of drawn cup, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 825-830. Link
19) Hasnulhadi Jaafar, K. Mori, Y. Abe, Correction of eccentricity between punch and die in slight clearance punching of ultra-high strength steel sheets, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 843-848. Link
20) Purwo Kadarno, K. Mori, Y. Abe, T. Abe, Flanging using step die for improving fatigue strength of punched high strength steel sheet, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 1133-1138. Link
21) K. Mori, T. Maeno, Y. Nakagawa, Dieless forming of carbon fibre reinforced plastic parts using 3D printer, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 1595-1600. Link
22) K. Mori, T. Maeno, T. Suganami, M. Sakagami, Hot semi-punching of quenchable steel sheet, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 1762-1767. Link
23) T. Maeno, K. Mori, Y. Ichikawa, M. Sugawara, Prevention of seizure in inner spline backward extrusion by low-cycle oscillation using servo press, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 1860-1865. Link
24) Y. Abe, T. Fujita, K. Mori, K. Osakada, T. Shiba, Witthaya Daodon, Improvement of formability in ironing of stainless steel drawn cups using low friction cermet dies, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 1896-1901. Link
25) Y. Abe, S. Nihsino, K. Mori, T. Saito, Improvement of joinability in mechanical clinching of ultra-high strength steel sheets using counter pressure with ring rubber, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 2056-2061. Link
26) Zamzuri Hamedon, K. Mori, Y. Abe, Hemming for joining high strength steel sheets, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 2074-2079. Link
27) T. Maeno, K. Mori, C. Unou, Improvement of die filling by prevention of temperature drop in gas forming of aluminium alloy tube using air filled into sealed tube and resistance heating, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 2237-2242. Link
28) Liyana Tajul, T. Maeno, K. Mori, Successive Forging of long plate having inclined cross-section, Procedia Engineering, 81 (2014), 2361-2366. Link
29) Y. Abe, K. Mori, T. Ito, Plate forging of drawn cup with flange including thickening of corners, Manufacturing Review, 1-16 (2014), 1-8. Link
30) 安部洋平, Purwo Kadarno, 森謙一郎, 安部達朗, 超高張力鋼板の穴縁部増肉加工による疲労強度の向上, 塑性と加工,55-645 (2014), 944-948. Link
30') Y. Abe, P. Kadarno,K. Mori,T. Abe, Improvement in fatigue strength of ultra-high strength steel sheets by hole thickening, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity ,55-645 (2014), 944-948. Link
1) K. Mori, Y. Abe, Y. Kidoma, P. Kadarno, Slight clearance punching of ultra-high strength steel sheets using punch having small round edge, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 65 (2013), 41-46. Link
2) K. Mori, T. Maeno, K. Mongkolkaji, Tailored die quenching of steel parts having strength distribution using bypass resistance heating in hot stamping, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213-3 (2013), 508-514. Link
3) 森謙一郎, 山田弘明, 前野智美, 家田和典, 通電加熱, 成形, せん断, ダイクエンチから構成される超高強度鋼部品の1ショットホットスタンピング, 塑性と加工, 54-627 (2013), 343-347. Link
3') K. Mori, H. Yamada, T. Maeno, K. Ieda, 1 shot hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts consisting of resistance heating, forming, shearing and die quenching, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,54-627 (2013), 343-347. Link
4) 安部洋平, 中野下茂広, 森謙一郎, P. Kadarno, 傾斜した超高張力鋼板の直接穴抜き加工, 塑性と加工,54-627 (2013), 348-352. Link
4') Y. Abe, S. Nakanoshita, K. Mori, P. Kadarno, Direct punching of inclined ultra-high strength steel sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, 54-627 (2013), 348-352. Link
5) Y. Abe, K. Mori, K. Norita, Gradually contacting punch for improving stretch flangeability of ultra-high strength steel sheets, CIRP Annals, 62-1 (2013), 263-266. Link
6) K. Mori, Y. Abe, K. Norita, Improvement of stretch flangeability of ultra-high strength sheets by gradually contacting punch, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, AIP Conf. Proc. 1532, (2013), 122-127. Link
7) K. Mori, N. Bay, L. Fratini, F. Micari, A.E. Tekkaya, Joining by plastic deformation, CIRP Annals, 62-2 (2013), 673-694. Link
8) T. Maeno, K. Mori, T. Suganami, Semi-punching in hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, Proc. of Tools and Technologies for Processing Ultra High Strength Materials, Graz, (2013), 371-380.
9) Z. Hamedon, K. Mori, T. Maeno, Y. Yamashita, Hot stamping of titanium alloy sheet using resistance heating, Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 5-45 (2013), 12-15. Link
10) 安部洋平, 藤田智大, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造, TiCN系サーメットダイを用いたステンレス鋼とアルミニウム合金円筒深絞り容器のしごき加工, 塑性と加工,54-634 (2013), 978-983. Link
10') Y. Abe, T. Fujita, K. Mori, K. Osakada, Ironing of stainless steel and aluminum alloy drawn cups using TiCN-based cermet die, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,54-634 (2013), 978-983. Link
1) K. Mori, T. Maeno, S. Fuzisaka, Punching of ultra-high strength steel sheets using local resistance heating of shearing zone, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212-2 (2012), 534- 540. Link
2) Y. Abe, K. Mori, T. Kato, Joining of high strength steel and aluminium alloy sheets by mechanical clinching with dies for control of metal flow, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212-4 (2012), 884-889. Link
3) 前野智美, 森謙一郎, 宇納千裕, 密封圧力と通電加熱を用いたアルミニウム合金管の熱間ガスフォーミング成形, 塑性と加工, 53-612 (2012), 54-58. Link
3') T. Maeno, K. Mori, C. Unou, Hot metal gas forming process for aluminium alloy tube using sealing pressure and resistance heating, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity ,53-612 (2012), 54-58. Link
4) K. Mori, Y. Abe, T. Kato, Mechanism of superiority of fatigue strength for aluminium alloy sheets joined mechanical clinching and self-pierce riveting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 212-9 (2012), 1900-1905. Link
5) K. Mori, T. Maeno, Y. Maruo, Punching of small hole of die-quenched steel sheets using local resistance heating, CIRP Annals, 61-1 (2012), 255-258. Link
6) 安部洋平, 古谷友樹, 森謙一郎, 角筒容器の深絞り加工用局部増肉テーラードブランクの絞り−圧縮板鍛造, 塑性と加工, 53-617 (2012), 563-568. Link
6') Y. Abe, T. Furuya, K. Mori, Plate forging consisting of drawing and compression of tailored blanks having local thickening for deep drawing of square cup, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity ,53-617 (2012), 563-568. Link
7) M. Merklein, J.M. Allwood, B.-A. Behrens, A. Brosius, H. Hagenah, K. Kuzman, K. Mori, A.E. Tekkaya, A. Weckenmann, Bulk forming of sheet metal, CIRP Annals, 61-2 (2012), 725-745. Link
8) K. Mori, Smart hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, Proc. 3rd International Conference on New Forming Technology, Harbin, (2012), 7-12.
9) K. Mori, Bulk forming of sheet metals for controlling wall thickness distribution of products, Proc. 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, Krakow, 17-24.
10) T. Maeno, K. Mori, Z. Hamedon, Hot bending of titanium alloy sheet using resistance heating, Proc. 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, Krakow, 287-290.
11) T. Maeno, K. Mori, K. Hirayama, Y. Hashimoto, K. Osakada, Gear extrusion using control of counter pressure genarated by frictional force of die land, Proc. 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, Krakow, 511-514.
12) Y. Abe, T. Kato, K. Mori, Mechanical clinching of ultra-high strength steel sheets, Proc. 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, Krakow, 615-618.
13) P. Kadarno, K. Mori, Y. Abe, Two-stage plate forging for thickening hole edge of punched high strength steel sheet, Proc. 14th International Conference on Metal Forming, Krakow, 899-902.
14) 前野智美, 森謙一郎, 永井孝明, ホットスタンピングにおけるフランジ部温度低下抑制による鋼板の成形性向上, 塑性と加工, 53-622 (2012), 1013-1017. Link
14') T. Maeno, K. Mori, T. Nagai, Improvement in formability of steel sheets by preventing decrease in temperature of flange portion in hot stamping, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,53-622 (2012), 1013-1017. Link
15) K. Mori, Smart hot stamping of ultra-high strength steel parts, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 22-2 (2012), s496-s503. Link
1) 前野智美, 森謙一郎, 福井雄二, 上野完治, 斉藤和実, 外園保治, 穴田能文, 通電加熱を用いた超高張力鋼歯形ドラムの熱間スプライン成形, 塑性と加工, 52-601 (2011), 277-281. Link
1') T. Maeno, K. Mori, Y. Fukui, K. Ueno, K. Saito, Y. Hokazono, Y. Anada, Hot spline forming of ultra high strength steel gear drum using resistance heating, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, 52-601 (2011), 277-281. Link
2) K. Mori, Application of servo presses to sheet metal forming, Key Engineering Materials, 473 (2011), 27-36. Link
3) T. Maeno, K. Mori, C. Unou, Optimisation of condition in hot gas bulging of aluminium alloy tube using resistance heating set into dies, Key Engineering Materials, 473 (2011), 69-74. Link
4) 安部洋平, 池田豊, 森謙一郎, 超高張力鋼板の破断面平滑加工による穴広げ性の向上, 塑性と加工, 52-603 (2011), 485-489. Link
4') Y. Abe, Y. Ikeda, K. Mori, Improvement of hole expansion for punched ultra high strength steel sheets by smoothing fracture surface, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,52-603 (2011), 485-489. Link
5) K. Mori, T. Maeno, Y. Fukui, Spline forming of ultra-high strength gear drum using resistance heating of side wall of cup, CIRP Annals, 60-1 (2011), 299-302. Link
6) 安部洋平, 乘田克哉, 森謙一郎, 逐次接触パンチによる超高張力鋼板の伸びフランジ成形性の向上, 塑性と加工, 52-604 (2011), 569-573. Link
6') Y. Abe, K. Norita, K. Mori, Improvement in stretch flangeability of ultra high strength steel sheets with punch having gradual contact, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,52-604 (2011), 569-573. Link
7) Y. Abe, T. Kato, K. Mori, Joining of Aluminium Alloy Sheets by Rectangular Mechanical Clinching, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1353, The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming Esaform 2011, (2011), 1253-1258. Link
8) T. Maeno, K. Osakada, K. Mori, Reduction of Friction in Compression of Plates by Load Pulsation, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 51-7-8 (2011) 612-617. Link
9) K. Mori, Y. Abe, K. Osakada, S. Hiramatsu, Plate forging of tailored blanks having local thickening for deep drawing of square cups, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211-10 (2011), 1569-1574. Link
10) 森謙一郎, Kittikul Mongkolkaji, 前野智美, 内田光隆, 上薗俊, 林貴文, 野田篤志, バイパス通電加熱を用いたプレス成形による強度分布を有する超高張力鋼成形品の製造, 塑性と加工,52-606 (2011), 801-805. Link
10') K. Mori, K. Mongkolkaji,T. Maeno, M. Uchida, S. Kamizono, T. Hayashi, A. Noda, Manufacturing of ultra-high strength steel formed products having strength distribution by stamping using bypass resistance heating, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,52-606 (2011), 801-805. Link
11) K. Osakada, K. Mori, T. Altan, P. Groche, Mechanical servo press technology for metal forming, CIRP Annals, 60-2 (2011), 651-672. Link
12) T. Maeno, K. Mori, K. Fujimoto, Hot bulging of aluminum ally tube by sealed gas, Proc. 10 th International Conference on Thube Hydroforming, (2011), 96-99.
13) 上野完治, 田澤純, 小野山浩一, 斎藤巌, 藤川真一郎, 森謙一郎, 変速機用歯形部品の鍛造加工における工程設計, 塑性と加工, 52-608 (2011), 1012-1016. Link
13') K. Ueda, J. Tazawa,K. Onoyama, I. Saito, S. Fujikaya, K. Mori, Design of forging process for transmission gear, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,52-608 (2011), 1012-1016. Link
14) 前野智美, 森謙一郎, 柳谷雄一, 松井康純, 工藤正昭, 木村新, 摩擦圧接されたテーラードビレットを用いた強度分布を有する部品の型鍛造, 塑性と加工, 52-608 (2011), 1022-1026. Link
14') T. Maeno, K. Mori, Y. Yanagiya, Y. Matsui, M. Kudo, A. Kimura, Die forging of parts having strength distribution using tailor friction-welded billet, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, 52-608 (2011), 1022-1026. Link
15) T. Maeno, K. Mori, C. Unou, Influence of initial wall thickness of tube on formability in hot gas bulging of aluminium alloy tube using pressure of sealed air and resistance heating, Steel Research International, Special Edition, (2011), 475-480.
16) K. Mori, Y. Abe, Y. Ikeda, Improvement of formability for expansion of punched hole of ultra-high strength steel sheets by smoothing of sheared edge, Steel Research International, Special Edition, (2011), 604-609.
17) Y. Abe, K. Taromaru, T. Kato, K. Mori, Improvement of joinability in mechanical clinching of sheets using step punch, Steel Research International, Special Edition, (2011), 667-672.
18) 安部洋平, 藪下雄基, 森謙一郎, 市販マグネシウム合金板の冷間成形における高温焼なましの有効性の調査と底部ビードを有する角筒容器の成形, 塑性と加工, 52-609 (2011), 1109-1113. Link
18') Y. Abe,Y. Yabushita, K. Mori, Effectiveness of high temperature annealing on cold formability of commercial magnesium alloy sheets and forming of square cup having bead at bottom, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticit,52-609 (2011), 1109-1113. Link
19) 森謙一郎, 丸尾佳広, 前野智美, ダイクエンチされた鋼板の局部通電加熱小穴抜き加工,塑性と加工, 52-609 (2011), 1114-1118. Link
19') K. Mori, Y. Maruo, T. Maeno, Small hole punching using local resistance heating for die-quenched steel sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,52-609 (2011), 1114-1118. Link
20) 安部洋平, 田呂丸和哉, 加藤亨, 森謙一郎, アルミニウム合金におけるメカニカルクリンチングされた接合部の強度特性と向上法−セルフピアスリベッティングと抵抗スポット溶接との比較, 塑性と加工,52-610 (2011), 1193-1197. Link
20') Y. Abe, K. Taromaru, T. Kato, K. Mori, Strength characteristics and improvement of mechanically clinched joint in aluminium alloy sheets - Comparison with self pierce riveted and resistance spot welded joints-, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,52-610 (2011), 1193-1197. Link
1) K. Mori, Y. Abe, Y. Suzui, Improvement of stretch flangeability of ultra high strength steel sheet by smoothing of sheared edge, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210-4 (2010), 653-659. Link
2) 森謙一郎, 藤阪靖二, 内田光隆, 上薗俊, 前野智美, 超高張力鋼板の局部通電加熱穴抜き加工, 塑性と加工, 51-588 (2010), 55-59. Link
2') K. Mori,S. Fuzisaka,M. Uchida, S. Kamizono, T. Maeno, Punching of ultra high strength steel sheets using local resistance heating, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,51-588 (2010), 55-59. Link
3) 安部洋平, 加藤亨, 松田晃, 森謙一郎, 高張力鋼板とアルミニウム合金A5052板のメカニカルクリンチング, 塑性と加工, 51-589 (2010), 141-145. Link
3') Y. Abe, T. Kato, A. Matsuda, K. Mori, Mechanical clinching of high strength steel and aluminum alloy A5052 sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,51-589 (2010), 141-145. Link
4) K. Mori, Y. Okuda, Tailor die quenching in hot stamping for producing ultra-high strength steel formed parts having strength distribution, CIRP Annals, 59-1(2010), 291-294. Link
5) K. Mori, Y. Abe, T. Kato S. Sakai, Self-pierce riveting of three aluminium alloy and mild steel sheets, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (ed. F. Barlat et al.), AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1252, 2 (2010), 673-680. Link
6) 安部洋平, 岸本和也, 加藤亨, 森謙一郎, 溶融亜鉛−アルミニウム合金めっき鋼板のメカニカルクリンチング, 塑性と加工, 51-593 (2010), 592-596. Link
6') Y. Abe,M. Kishimoto,T. Kato, K. Mori, Mechanical clinching of hot-dip zinc-aluminum alloy coated steel sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,51-593 (2010), 592-596. Link
7) K. Mori, H. Nishikawa, Cold repeated forming of compact for aluminium foam, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210-12 (2010), 1580-1586. Link
8) T. Maeno, H. Fujii, K. Mori, M. Sato, Control of slide motion in hot impression die forging of aluminium alloy billets using servo press, Steel Research International, 81-9 (2010), Supplement Metal Forming 2010, 354-357.
9) K. Ueno, K. Mori, S. Maki, N. Arisawa, Resistance heating of side wall of cup for warm and hot spline forming, Steel Research International, 81-9 (2010), Supplement Metal Forming 2010, 663-666.
10) C.J. Tan, Y. Abe, K. Mori, M. Suzuki, Forming of tailor blanks for increase in wall thickness at corner of stamped high strength steel products, Steel Research International, 81-9 (2010), Supplement Metal Forming 2010, 833-836. Link
11). K. Mori, H. Osako, O. Ebihara, T. Nonaka, D. Sugiyama, Hot shear spinning of cast aluminium alloy parts with inclined roller, Steel Research International, 81-9 (2010), Supplement Metal Forming 2010, 1006-1009.
12) Y. Abe, T. Kato, M. Kishimoto, K. Mori, Joining of hot-dip coated high-strength steel sheets by mechanical clinching, Steel Research International, 81-9 (2010), Supplement Metal Forming 2010, 1128-1131.
13) T. Kato, Y. Abe, K. Mori, Plastic joining of aluminium alloy sheets by aluminium alloy cylinder, Steel Research International, 81-9 (2010), Supplement Metal Forming 2010, 1136-1139.
14) 前野智美, 藤井宏幸, 森謙一郎, 佐藤正広, サーボプレスを用いたアルミニウム合金の熱間鍛造におけるスライドモーション制御, 塑性と加工, 51-597(2010), 958-962. Link
14') T. Maeno, H. Fujii,K. Mori, M. Sato, Control of slide motion in hot die forging of aluminum alloy billets using servo press, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,51-597(2010), 958-962. Link
1) 森謙一郎, 西島進之助, Chin Joo TAN, 小さな角半径を有するマグネシウム合金容器の冷間2段プレス成形, 塑性と加工, 50-576 (2009), 64-68. Link
1') K. Mori, S. Nishijima, C. J. TAN, Cold 2-stages stamping of magnesium alloy cups having small corner radius, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-576 (2009), 64-68. Link
2) 森謙一郎, 伊藤大介, 鋼板の熱間プレス成形におけるプレコートスケール抑制剤による酸化防止, 塑性と加工, 50-577 (2009), 129-133. Link
2') K. Mori, D. ito, Prevention of oxidation by oxidation preventive oil in hot stamping of steel sheet, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-577 (2009), 129-133. Link
3) Y. Abe, T. Kato and K. Mori, Auminium alloy self-pierce riveting for joining of aluminium alloy sheets, Key Engineering Materials, 410-411 (2009), 79-86. Link
4) K. Mori, S. Maki and S. Saito, Prevention of oxidation in hot stamping of ultra high strength steel sheets, Key Engineering Materials, 410-411 (2009), 255-261. Link
5) T. Maeno, K. Mori and K. Fujimoto, Development of the hot gas bulging process for aluminium alloy tube using resistance heating, Key Engineering Materials, 410-411 (2009), 315-323. Link
6) K. Mori, M. Ishiguro, Y. Isomura, Hot shear spinning of cast aluminium alloy parts, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209-7 (2009), 3621-3627. Link
7) Y. Abe, T. Kato and K. Mori, Self-piercing riveting of high tensile strength steel and aluminium alloy sheets using conventional rivet and die, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209-8 (2009), 3914-3922. Link
8) K. Mori and D. Ito, Prevention of oxidation in hot stamping of quenchable steel sheet by oxidation preventive oil, CIRP Annals, 58-1(2009), 267-270. Link
9) 安部洋平, 森謙一郎, 鈴井啓生, 超高張力鋼板の穴広げ性に及ぼす穴抜き加工された切口面性状の影響, 塑性と加工, 50-580 (2009), 414-418. Link
9') Y. Abe, K. Mori, Y. Suzui, Effect of quality of sheared edge on formability of hole expansion of ultra high strength steel Sseets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-580 (2009), 414-418. Link
10) 前野智美, 森謙一郎, 藤本浩次, 成形装置内通電加熱を用いたアルミニウム合金管の熱間ガスバルジ成形, 塑性と加工, 50-580 (2009), 424-428. Link
10') T. Maeno, K. Mori, K. Fujimoto, Hot gas bulging of aluminum alloy tube by resistance heating in forming machine, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-580 (2009), 424-428. Link
11) K. Mori, S. Nishijima and C.J. Tan, Two-stage cold stamping of magnesium alloy cups having small corner radius, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 49-10(2009), 767-772. Link
12) 森謙一郎, 大迫洋和, 野中孝之, 杉山大吾, 海老原治, 石黒農, 傾斜ローラーによるアルミニウム合金鋳物の熱間しごきスピニング加工, 塑性と加工, 50-581 (2009), 570-574. Link
12') K. Mori, H. Osako, T. Nonaka, D. Sugiyama, O. Ebihara, M. Ishiguro, Hot shear spinning of cast aluminum alloys with inclined roller, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-581 (2009), 570-574. Link
13) 森謙一郎, 西川輝, 石黒農, 発泡アルミニウム用圧粉体を成形する冷間反復加工, 塑性と加工, 50-582 (2009), 645-649. Link
13') K. Mori, H. Nishikawa, M. Ishiguro, Cold repeated forming of compact for aluminum foam, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-582 (2009), 645-649. Link
14) 安部洋平, 加藤亨, 森謙一郎, 酒井慎吾, 超高張力鋼板とアルミニウム合金板セルフピアスリベッティングにおけるダイ形状の決定, 塑性と加工, 50-585 (2009), 941-945. Link
14') Y. Abe, T. Kato, K. Mori, S. Sakai, Determination of die shape in self-pierce riveting of ultra high strength steel and aluminum alloy sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity ,50-585 (2009), 941-945. Link
15) 前野智美, 小坂田宏造, 森謙一郎, 荷重振動による板鍛造における摩擦低減, 塑性と加工, 50-585 (2009), 951-955. Link
15') T. Maeno, K. Osakada, K. Mori, Reduction in friction in forging of plates by load oscillation, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-585 (2009), 951-955. Link
16) 森謙一郎, 平松繁樹, 小坂田宏造, 安部洋平, 角筒深絞り容器成形用局部増肉テーラードブランクの成形, 塑性と加工, 50-586 (2009), 1044-1048. Link
16') K. Mori, S. Hiramatsu, K. Osakada, Y. Abe, Forming of tailor blanks having local thickening for deep drawing of square cups, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-586 (2009), 1044-1048. Link
17) 森謙一郎, 奥田裕也, 内田光隆, 上薗俊, 強度分布を有する超高張力鋼成形品のための熱間プレス成形における局部ダイクエンチ, 塑性と加工, 50-586 (2009), 1049-1053. Link
17') K. Mori, Y. Okuda, M. Uchida, S. Kamizono, Local die quenching in hot stamping for ultra high strength steel formed products having strength distribution, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,50-586 (2009), 1049-1053. Link
18) Y. Abe, M. Kishimoto, T. Kato and K. Mori, Joining of hot-dip coated steel sheets by mechanical clinching, International Journal of Material Forming, Volume 2, Supplement 1(2009), 291-294. Link
1) 森謙一郎, 斉藤翔一, 牧清二郎, 岸本信, 林達志, 奥村俊彦, 超高張力鋼板の温・熱間穴抜き加工, 塑性と加工, 49-564(2008), 56-60. Link
1') K. Mori, S. Saito, S. Maki, M. Kishimoto, T. Hayashi, T. Okumura, Warm and hot punching of ultra high strength steel sheet, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,49-564(2008), 56-60. Link
2) 牧清二郎, 濱本篤, 森謙一郎, 通電加熱プレスクエンチした高張力鋼板の硬さおよび引張特性, 材料試験技術, 53-1(2008), 20-24. Link
2') S. Maki, A.Hamamoto, K. Mori, Hardness and tensile properties of resistance-heated and press-quenched high tensile strength steel sheet,Journal of Material Testing Research Association, 53-1(2008), 20-24. Link
3) L. Yang, K. Mori and H. Tsuji, Deformation behaviors of magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet in cold deep drawing, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 18-1(2008), 86-91. Link
4) Y. Abe, T. Kato and K. Mori, Self-pierce riveting of three high strength steel and aluminium alloy sheets, Int. J. Material Forming, suppl. 1 (2008), 1271-1274. Link
5) 森謙一郎, 林健太郎, Mohsen Loh-Mousavi, 前野智美, チューブハイドロフォーミングにおけるしわ制御による成形性の向上, 塑性と加工, 49-567(2008), 311-315. Link
5') K. Mori, K. Hayashi, M. Loh-Mousavi,T. Maeno, Improvement of formability by wrinkling control in hydroforming of tubes, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,49-567(2008), 311-315. Link
6) C.J. Tan, K. Mori and Y.Abe, Forming of tailor blanks having local thickening for control of wall thickness of stamped products, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 202-1-3, (2008), 443-449. Link
7) K. Mori, S. Saito and S. Maki, Warm and hot punching of ultra high strength seel sheet, CIRP Annals, 57-1(2008), 321-324. Link
8) 加藤亨, 安部洋平, 森謙一郎, 酒井慎吾, セルフピアシングリベットによるアルミニウム合金板と軟鋼板の3枚接合, 塑性と加工, 49-568(2008), 419-423. Link
8') T. Kato, Y. Abe, K. Mori, S. Sakai, Joining of three aluminum alloy and mild steel sheets with self-piercing rivet, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,49-568(2008), 419-423. Link
9) K. Mori and H. Tsuji, Improvement of cold deep drawability of magnesium alloy sheets by high temperature annealing, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Technology of Plasticity (e.d. D.Y. Yang et al.), (2008), 1280-1285.
10) K. Mori, Stamping of high strength steel sheets, steel research international, Special Edition, 79-1(2008), 1-8.
11) T. Maeno, K. Mori, K. Hayashi and M. Loh-Mousavi, Improvement of hydroformability of tube by control of wrinkling, steel research international, Special Edition, 79-1(2008), 265-271.
12) Y. Abe, A. Matsuda, T. Kato and K. Mori, Plastic joining of aluminium alloy and high strength steel sheetsby mechanical clinching, steel research international, Special Edition, 79-1(2008), 649-657.
13) M Loh-Mousavi, M. Bakhshi-Jooybari, K. Mori and K,Hyashi, Improvement of formability in T-shape hydroforming of tubes by pulsating pressure, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 222-9 (2008), 1139-1146. Link
14) 安部洋平, C.J. Tan, 森謙一郎, 鈴木道之, 高張力鋼板絞り容器の肉厚制御のための局部増肉ブランクの成形, 塑性と加工, 49-573(2008), 985-989. Link
14') Y. Abe, C.J. Tan,K. Mori,M. Suzuki, Locally thick blank for increase in wall thickness at corner of stamped high strength steel products, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,49-573(2008), 985-989. Link
15) 石黒農, 森謙一郎, 大迫洋和, 野中孝之, 杉山大吾, 海老原治, 熱間しごきスピニング加工によるアルミニウム合金鋳物の鋳造欠陥の低減, 塑性と加工, 49-573(2008), 990-994. Link
15') M. Ishiguro, K. Mori, H. Osako, T. Nonaka, D. Sugiura, O. Ebihara, Decrease in casting defects in cast aluminum alloys by hot shear spinning, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,49-573(2008), 990-994. Link
16) 森謙一郎, 牧清二郎, 有澤直孝, 上野完治, 外園保治, 山崎卓矢, 円筒容器の温・熱間スプライン成形のための側壁通電加熱, 塑性と加工, 49-574(2008), 1106-1110. Link
16') K. Mori, S. Maki, N. Arisawa, K. Ueno, Y. Hokazono, T. Yamazaki, Resistance heating of side wall for warm and hot spline forming of cup, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,49-574(2008), 1106-1110. Link
1) M. Loh-Mousavi, K. Mori, K. Hayashi, S. Maki and M. Bakhshi, 3-D finite element simulation of pulsating T-shape hydroforming of tubes, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341(2007), 353-358. Link
2) K. Mori and Y. Kanno, Development of PC cluster parallel processing scheme of 3-D rigid-plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341(2007), 371-376. Link
3) S. Maki, Y. Tanaka and K. Mori, Resistance heating characteristics of high-strength steel sheet blank for hot press forming, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341(2007), 749-754. Link
4) C.J. Tan, Y. Abe, K. Mori, O. Ebihara and T. Nonaka, Increase of wall thickness around corner of multi-stage drawn cup with flange using conical punches, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341(2007),761-766. Link
5) Y. Abe, J. Watanabe, K. Mori, Optimum design of forming sequence of one-piece automobile steel wheels without welding using finite element simulation, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341(2007), 773-778. Link
6) T. Kato, Y. Abe and K. Mori, Finite element simulation of self-piercing riveting of three aluminium alloy sheets, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341(2007), 1461-1466. Link
7) K. Mori, K. Akita and Y. Abe, Springback behaviour in bending of ultra-high-strength steel sheets using CNC servo press, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 47-2(2007), 321-325. Link
8) 森謙一郎, 辻浩和, 市販マグネシウム合金板の冷間深絞り加工,塑性と加工,48-552(2007), 41-45. Link
8') K. Mori, H. Tsuji, Cold deep drawing of commercial magnesium alloy sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,48-552(2007), 41-45. Link
9) S. Maki, A. Hamamoto, S. Saito and K. Mori, Hot stamping and press quenching of ultrahigh strength steel sheet using resistance heating, Key Engineering Materials, 344(2007), 309-316. Link
10) Y. Abe, J. Watanabe and Mori, Stamping of one-piece automobile steel wheels from tube, Key Engineering Materials, 344(2007), 427-433. Link
11) M. Loh-Mousavi, K. Mori, K. Hayashi and M. Bakhshi, Improvement of filling of die corners in box-shaped tube hydroforming by control of wrinkling, Key Engineering Materials, 344(2007), 461-467. Link
12) K. Mori, T. Maeno and S. Maki, Mechanism of improvement of formability in pulsating hydroforming of tubes, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 47-6(2007), 978-984. Link
13) 牧清二郎, 柴田浩臣, 森謙一郎, 牧野泰育, アルミニウム合金A357の抵抗加熱半溶融鍛造組織, 塑性と加工, 48-553(2007), 105-109. Link
13') S. Maki, H. Shibata, K. Mori, H. Makino, Microstructures of aluminum alloy A357 resistance heated and mashy-state forged, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,48-553(2007), 105-109. Link
14) 石黒農, 磯村勇太, 森謙一郎, 野中孝之, 杉山大吾, 海老原治, アルミニウム合金鋳物の熱間しごきスピニング加工における成形性と表面欠陥, 塑性と加工, 48-553(2007), 135-139. Link
14') M. Ishiguro, Y. Isomura, K. Mori, T. Nonaka, D. Sugiyama, O. Ebihara, Formability and surface cracks in hot shear spinning of cast aluminum alloys, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,48-553(2007), 135-139. Link
15) 牧清二郎, 濱本篤, 斉藤翔一, 森謙一郎, 抵抗加熱を利用した超高張力鋼板のダイクエンチ, 塑性と加工, 48-553(2007), 140-144. Link
15') S. Maki, A. Hamamoto, S. Saito, K. Mori, Die quenching of ultrahigh-strength steel sheet using resistance heating, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,48-553(2007), 140-144. Link
16) 安部洋平, 渡部治郎, 森謙一郎, 自動車用スチールホイールの一体プレス成形における工程数削減と形状調節法, 塑性と加工, 48-554(2007), 229-233. Link
16') Y. Abe, J. Watanabe, K. Mori, Reduction in number of stages and adjustment of sizes in one-piece press forming of automobile steel wheels, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,48-554(2007), 229-233. Link
17) Y. Harada, K. Fukaura and K. Mori, Formability of beta titanium alloy in multi-stage deep drawing process, Key Engineering Materials, 345-346(2007), 121-124. Link
18) 森謙一郎, 牧清二郎, 斉藤翔一, 岸本信, 林達志, 奥村俊彦, 超高張力鋼板の熱間プレス成形における酸化防止, 塑性と加工, 48-555(2007), 318-322. Link
18') K. Mori, S. Maki, S. Saito, M. Kishimoto, T. Hayashi, T. Okumura, Prevention of oxidation in hot stamping of ultra high strength steel sheets, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,48-555(2007), 318-322. Link
19) K. Mori, Y. Abe and T. Kato, Finite element simulation of plastic joining processes of steel and aluminum alloy sheets, Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Application (ed. J.M.A. Cesar de Sa et al.), AIP Conf. Proc., 908-1(2007), 197-202. Link
20) K. Mori and H. Tsuji, Cold deep drawing of commercial magnesium alloy sheets, Annals of the CIRP, 56-1(2007), 285-288. Link
21) K. Mori, Warm and hot stamping of ultra high strength steel sheets using rapid resistance heating, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. New Forming Tech. (ed. F. Vollertsen et al.), (2007), 15-29.
22) M. Ishiguro, K. Mori and Y. Isomura, Improvement of formability and mechanical properties of cast aluminium alloy in hot shear spinning, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. New Forming Tech. (ed. F. Vollertsen et al.), (2007), 361-370.
23) C.J. Tan, K. Mori and Y. Abe, Increase of wall thickness at inner corner of multi-stage stamping of wheel disk by locally thick blank, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. New Forming Tech. (ed. F. Vollertsen et al.), (2007), 371-380.
24) Y. Abe, T. Kato and K. Mori, Joining of aluminium alloy sheets by aluminium alloy self-piercing rivet, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. New Forming Tech. (ed. F. Vollertsen et al.), (2007), 451-460.
25) S. Maki, K. Suzuki and K. Mori, Semisolid forging of cast iron using rapid resistance heating, Materials Science Forum, 561-565 (2007), 925-928. Link
26) Y. Abe, T. Kato and K. Mori, Joining of aluminium alloy and mild steel sheets using mechanical clinching, Materials Science Forum, 561-565(2007), 1043-1046. Link
27) 安部洋平, C.J. Tan, 森謙一郎, 藤岡武洋, 野中孝之, 海老原治, 円錐パンチを用いたフランジ付き多段絞り容器角部の増肉成形, 塑性と加工, 48-561(2007), 925-929. Link
27') Y. Abe, C.J. Tan,K. Mori, T. Fujioka, T. Nonaka, O. Ebihara, Increase of wall thickness around corner of multi-stage drawn cup with flange using conical punches, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,48-561(2007), 925-929. Link
28) C.J. Tan, K. Mori and Y.Abe, Multi-stage stamping of high strength steel wheel disk, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-1(2007), 31-47.
1) 加藤亨, 安部洋平, 森謙一郎, 呉宣, セルフピアシングリベットによるアルミニウム合金板と鋼板の接合, 塑性と加工, 47-541(2006), 149-153. Link
1')T. Kato, Y. Abe, K. Mori, W. Xuan, Joining of aluminum alloy and mild steel sheets by self-piercing rivet, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, 47-541(2006), 149-153. Link
2) 原田泰典, 上杉秀人, 森謙一郎, 梅村貢, 土田紀之, 深浦健三, 機械構造用鋼の表面性状に及ぼす微細ショットピーニングの影響, 塑性と加工, 47-542(2006), 216-220. Link
2')Y. Harada, H. Uesugi, K. Mori, M. Umemura, N. Tsuchida, K. Fukaura, Influence of Microshot Peening on Surface Layer Characteristics of Steel for Machine Structural Use, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity,47-542(2006), 216-220. Link
3) 牧清二郎, 田中祐樹, 森謙一郎, 高張力鋼板熱間プレス成形への抵抗加熱の応用, 塑性と加工, 47-544(2006), 394-398. Link
3')S. Maki, Y. Tanaka, K. Mori, Application of resistance heating technique to hot stamping of high-strength steel sheet, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, 47-544(2006), 394-398. Link
4) 石黒農, 牧清二郎, 森謙一郎, 通電熱処理と人工時効によるAl-Mg-Si合金板のプレス成形性と製品強度の向上, 軽金属, 56-6(2006), 313-316. Link
4')M. Ishiguro, S. Maki, K. Mori, Improvement of product strength and press formability of Al?Mg?Si alloy sheets by resistance heat treatment and artificial aging, Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals, 56-6(2006), 313-316. Link
5) K. Mori, T. Kato, Y. Abe, Y. Ravshanbek, Plastic joining of ultra high strength steel and aluminium alloy sheets by self piercing rivet, Annals of the CIRP, 55-1(2006), 283-286. Link
6) K. Mori, Y. Otomo and H. Yoshimura, Parallel processing of 3D rigid-plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix, J. Materials Processing Tech., 177-1-3(2006), 63-67. Link
7) Y. Abe, T. Kato and K. Mori, Joinability of aluminium alloy and mild steel sheets by self piercing rivet, J. Materials Processing Tech., 177-1-3(2006), 417-421. Link
8) S. Maki, M. Ishiguro, K. Mori and H. Makino, Thermo-mechanical treatment using resistance heating for production of fine grained heat-treatable aluminum alloy sheets, J. Materials Processing Tech., 177-1-3(2006), 444-447. Link
9) K. Mori, Finite element simulation of powder forming and sintering, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195-48-49(2006), 6737-6749. Link
10) 森謙一郎, 前野智美, 牧清二郎, 管材の内圧振動自由バルジハイドロフォーミングにおける成形性向上のメカニズム, 塑性と加工, 47-548(2006), 835-839. Link
10') K. Mori, T. Maeno, S. Maki, Mechanism of improvement of formability in pulsating free bulging hydroforming of tubes, Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity, 47-548(2006), 835-839. Link
11) 原田泰典, 古川陽介, 村尾卓児, 森謙一郎, 土田紀之, 深浦健三, β型チタン合金の多段深絞り加工における成形性と表面粗さの改善, 塑性と加工, 47-548(2006), 850-854. Link
11')Y. Harada, Y. Furukawa, T. Murao, K. Mori, N. Tsuchida, K. Fukaura, Formability and improvement of surface roughness in multistage deep drawing processes of beta titanium alloy sheet, 47-548(2006), 850-854. Link
12) K. Mori, S. Maki and M. Ishiguro, Improvement of product strength and formability in stamping of Al-Mg-Si alloy sheets having bake hardenability by resistance heat and artificial aging treatments, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 46-15(2006), 1966-1971. Link
13) 加藤亨, 安部洋平, 森謙一郎, ユヌソフ ラフシャンベク, セルフピアシングリベットによる高張力鋼鈑とアルミニウム合金板の接合, 自動車技術会論文集, 37-6(2006), 219-224. Link
13') T. Kato, Y. Abe, K. Mori, Y. Ravshanbek, Joining of high tensile strength steel and aluminum alloy sheets using self-piercing rivet, Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 37-6(2006), 219-224. Link
14) Y. Harada, T. Murao, K. Mori, N. Tsuchida and K. Fukaura, Prevention of seizure in deep drawing using plastic die, Materials Science Forum, 505-507(2006), 763-768. Link
1) K. Mori, M. Umeda and M. Murakami, Determination of material constants and prediction of fracture in sintering of ceramic products, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 45-2(2005), 261-268. Link
2) 原田泰典, 漆畑直人, 村尾卓児, 森謙一郎, プラスチックダイスによる多段深絞り加工における焼付き防止, 塑性と加工, 46-531(2005), 337-341. Link
3) Y. Harada and K. Mori, Effect of processing temperature on warm shot peening of spring steel, J. Materials Processing Tech., 162-163(2005), 498-503. Link
4) K. Mori, S. Maki and Y. Tanaka, Warm and hot stamping of ultra high tensile strength steel sheets using resistance heating, Annals of the CIRP, 54-1(2005), 209-212. Link
5) K. Mori and T. Nonaka, Simplified three-dimensional finite element simulation of shear spinning process based on axisymmetric modeling, J. Manufact. Processes, 7-1(2005), 51-56. Link
6) 牧清二郎, 柴田剛志, 森謙一郎, 牧野泰育, 半溶融鍛造のためのアルミニウム合金ビレットの安定した均一抵抗策,塑性と加工,46-536(2005), 849-853. Link
7) K. Mori, Y. Katada and M. Umeda, Prevention of occurrence of internal bulge in slip casting of large potteries, J. Ceramic Society of Japan, 113-10(2005), 654-657. Link
8) Y. Harada, S. Ujihashi and K. Mori, Shaping fit of hard materials using shot peening, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani et al.), (2005), CD-ROM.
9) K. Mori and S. Maki, Semi-solid forging of aluminium alloy using rapid resistance heating, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani et al.), (2005), CD-ROM.
10) S. Maki, H. Shibata, K. Mori and H. Makino, Influence of input heat on microstructure in mushy state forging of A357 aluminum alloy using resistance heating, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani et al.), (2005), CD-ROM.
11) M. Ishiguro, S. Maki,and K. Mori, Grain refinement of heat treatable aluminum alloy sheets by resistance heat treatment, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani et al.), (2005), CD-ROM.
12) K. Mori, T. Maeno, M. Bakhshi-Jooybari and S. Maki, Measurement of friction force in free bulging pulsating hydroforming of tubes, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani et al.), (2005), CD-ROM.
13) K. Mori, K. Akita and Y. Abe, Springback of high strength steel and aluminium alloy sheets in bending using CNC servo press, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani et al.), (2005), CD-ROM.
14) Y. Abe, T. Kato, K. Mori and X. Wu, Finite element simulation of joining process of aluminium alloy and steel sheets using self piercing rivet, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2005 (e.d. P.F. Bariani et al.), (2005), CD-ROM.
1) 森謙一郎, 野中孝之, 軸対称モデルを基礎としたしごきスピニングの近似3次元有限要素シミュレーション, 塑性と加工, 45-517(2004), 108-112. Link
2) 安部洋平, 森謙一郎, 村尾卓児, 大久保不二男, 内面しごき加工による多段ステンレス深絞り容器の内面粗さの改善, 塑性と加工, 45-518(2004), 173-177. Link
3) 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 村尾卓児, 今井雅浩, 古川陽介, 大久保不二男, 純チタン板の多段深絞り加工におけるアルミ青銅ダイスの摩耗, 塑性と加工, 45-520(2004), 326-330. Link
4) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Resistance sintering of copper-graphite powder mixture under pressure, Materials Science Forum, 449-452(2004), 281-284. Link
5) Y. Harada, K. Mori and S. Maki, Improvement of inner surface for machine parts by shot peening, Materials Science Forum, 449-452(2004), 345-348. Link
6) K. Mori and T. Nonaka, Simplified Three-dimensional finite element simulation of shear spinning process based on axisymmetric modeling, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 32(2004), 621-627. Link
7) K. Mori, Micro-macro simulation of powder forming and sintering, Materaials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Application (ed. S. Ghosh et al.), AIP Conf. Proc., 1(2004), 28-33. Link
8) K. Mori, Y. Otomo, H. Yoshimura and Y. Kanno: Parallel processing of 3-D rigid-plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix, Materaials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Application (ed. S. Ghosh et al.), AIP Conf. Proc., 2(2004), 2270-2275 Link
9) K. Mori, A.U. Patwari and S. Maki: Improvement of formability by oscillation of internal pressure in pulsating hydroforming of tube, Annals of the CIRP, 53-1(2004), 215-218. Link
10) 牧清二郎, 柴田剛志, 森謙一郎, 原田泰典, 牧野泰育, アルミニウム合金半溶融鍛造への抵抗加熱の応用, 塑性と加工, 45-522(2004), 535-539. Link
11) K. Mori, H. Matsubara and N. Noguchi, Micro-macro simulation of sintering process by coupling Monte Carlo and finite element methods, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 46-6(2004), 841-854. Link
12) T. Murao, K. Mori and Y. Harada, Forming of long pure titanium cups by cold multi-stage deep drawing, Ti-2003 Science and Technology, 1(2004), 627-634, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
13) Y. Harada, H. Kosugi, K. Mori and S. Maki, Improvement of surface properties of titanium alloy by shot peening, Ti-2003 Science and Technology, 2(2004), 1031-1038, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
14) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Pressurized reaction sintering of intermetallic compound of TiAl using resistance heating as ignition, Ti-2003 Science and Technology, 4(2004), 2201-2208, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
15) Y. Abe, K. Mori, T. Murao and F. Okubo, Improvement of roughness of inner surface in multi-stage deep drawn stainless steel cups by inner ironing, Steel Grip, 2(2004), 245-250.
16) S. Maki, T. Shibata, K. Mori and H. Makino, Mushy state forging of aluminum alloy using resistance heating, Steel Grip, 2(2004), 711-716.
17) 原田泰典, 宇治橋諭, 森謙一郎, ショットピーニングによる硬質材料のライニング及び造形接合, 塑性と加工, 45-525(2004), 842-846. Link
18) 安部洋平, 牧清二郎, 森 謙一郎, 自動車用スチールホイールの一体プレス成形におけるタイヤ固定のフランジ成形とリム部肉厚減少化, 塑性と加工, 45-526(2004), 902-906. Link
19) 石黒農, 牧清二郎, 森謙一郎, 通電熱処理によるAl-Mg-Si系合金板の機械的特性の向上, 軽金属, 54-12(2004), 562-566. Link
1) K. Mori, O. Ebihara, K. Yoshii and Y. Abe, Optimization of conditions in combined forming of deep drawing and ironing of disks using finite element simulation, Intelligence in a Materials World (ed. J. A. Meech et al.), (2003), 305-313, CRC Press.
2) 村尾卓児, 森謙一郎, 原田泰典, 大久保不二男, 窒化皮膜処理による純チタン板の多段深絞り加工における焼付き防止, 塑性と加工, 44-504(2003), 55-59. Link
3) 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 藤岡武洋, 牧清二郎, 跳返りショットによる機械部品内面へのショットピーニング加工, 塑性と加工, 44-505(2003), 174-178. Link
4) 原田泰典, 小杉仁, 森謙一郎, 牧清二郎, 軽量材料への硬質粉末のショットライニング, 塑性と加工, 44-507(2003), 457-461. Link
5) K. Mori, S. Maki and D. Nakagawara, One-piece press forming of automobile steel wheels, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 31(2003), 3-8.
6) T. Wang, M. Kawakami and K. Mori, Heat transfer analysis in steel scrap preheating under natural convective condition, Proc. 2003 Asia Steel Int. Conf., Jamshedpur, 2 (2003), pp. 2. d. 4.1-4.8.
7) 牧清二郎, 中川原大助, 森謙一郎, 自動車用スチールホイールのリムとディスクの一体プレス成形法, 塑性と加工, 44-509(2003), 651-655. Link
8) K. Mori, A.U. Patwari and S. Maki, Finite element simulation of hammering hydroforming of tubes, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, (ed. K.J. Bathe), 1(2003), 498-501.
9) K. Mori, H. Yoshimura and Y. Otomo, Parallel processing for 3-D rigid-plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, (ed. K.J. Bathe), 1(2003), 502-505.
10) 梅田学, 森謙一郎, 村上守人, ゴムポンチを用いた2層タイルの圧粉成形および焼結の有限要素シミュレーション, 日本セラミックス協会学術論文集, 111-7(2003), 491-496. Link
11) 森謙一郎, 松原秀彰, 野口寛洋, 清水正義, 野村浩, モンテカルロ法と有限要素法の連成による焼結のミクロ−マクロシミュレーション, 日本セラミックス協会学術論文集, 111-7(2003), 516-520. Link
12) K. Mori, Y. Abe and O. Ebihara, Prevention of Shock Lines in Multi-Stage Sheet Metal Forming, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 43-12(2003), 1279-1285. Link
13) K. Mori, T. Murao and Y. Harada, Multi-stage cold deep drawing of long pure titanium cups using coloured sheets for prevention of seizure, Annals of the CIRP, 52-1(2003), 237-240. Link
14) K. Mori, A.U. Patwari and S. Maki, Finite element simulation of hammering hydroforming of tubes, Proc. TUMEHYDRO 2003, Kariya, (2003), 84-87.
15) 汪涛, 川上正博, 森謙一郎, 連続鋳造の廃熱を利用した鉄鋼スクラップの予熱過程解析, 鉄と鋼, 89-12(2003), 1191-1197. Link
16) 梅田学, 森謙一郎, 松永一成, 大型陶磁器の鋳込み成形におけるウェルドライン発生メカニズムの解明とその防止方法, 日本セラミックス協会学術論文集, 111-12(2003), 924-929. Link
17) H. Takuda, K. Mori, T. Masachika, E. Yamazaki and Y. Watanabe, Finite element analysis of an austenitic stainless steel sheet in warm deep drawing, J. Materials Processing Tech., 143-144(2003), 242-248.
18) S. Maki, Y. Harada, K. Mori, Sinter-joining of different metal powder compacts using resistance heating, J. Materials Processing Tech., 143-144(2003), 561-566.
19) Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, S. Maki and K. Mori, Sandwich-rolling of sintered chromium, J. Materials Processing Tech., 143-144(2003), 710-715.
1) 海老原治, 森謙一郎, 好井健司, 阿部喜四郎, 岩倉有志, しごき絞り成形による自動車用スチールホイールディスクのフランジ部の肉厚減少, 塑性と加工, 43-492(2002), 51-55.
2) H. Takuda, K. Mori, I. Masuda, Y. Abe and M. Matsuo, Finite element simulation of warm deep drawing of aluminium alloy sheet when accounting for heat conduction, J. Materials Processing Tech., 120(2002), 412-418.
3) 牧清二郎, 近藤望, 中村雅勇, 江崎尚和, 銅板の圧接難易の方向性, 材料試験技術, 47-1(2002) 33-39.
4) 村尾卓児, 森謙一郎, 原田泰典, 加藤幸司, 大久保不二男, 純チタン板の多段深絞り加工における酸化皮膜処理による焼付き防止, 塑性と加工, 43-495(2002), 336-340.
5) K. Mori and R. Kuzime, Microscopic approach of powder compaction using finite element method, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 44-4(2002), 793-807.
6) K. Mori, T. Murao and Y. Harada, Forming of long pure titanium cups by multi-stage deep drawing, Pro. 22nd Biennial Congress on IDDRG, Nagoya, (2002), 25-32.
7) K. Mori, T. Murao and Y. Harada, Prevention of seizure by oxide coatings in multi-stage deep drawing of pure titanium sheets, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 30(2001), 25-31.
8) 村尾卓児, 森謙一郎, 原田泰典, 加藤幸司, 大久保不二男, カラー純チタン板を用いた多段深絞り加工の焼付き防止, 塑性と加工, 43-496(2002), 427-431.
9) 金森隆, 丸太敏嗣, 松本佳久, 原田泰典, 村田純教, 森永正彦, 高純度クロムの加工熱処理と予ひずみ付与による常温延性の改善;日本金属学会誌, 66-1(2002), 22-27.
10) K.C. Chan, Y. Harada, J. Liang and F. Yoshida, Deformation behavior of chromium sheets in mechanical and laser bending, J. Materials Processing Tech., 122(2002), 272-277.
11) 原田泰典, 大森正信, クロムの延性-脆性遷移挙動に及ぼす加工熱処理の影響, 日本金属学会誌, 66-5(2002), 485-491.
12) S. Maki, Y. Harada, K. Mori and H. Makino, Application of resistance heating technique to mushy state forming of aluminium alloy, J. Materials Processing Tech., 125-126(2002),477-482.
13) Y. Harada, K. Mori and S. Maki, Lining of light metals with hard powders using shot peening, J. Materials Processing Tech., 125-126(2002),525-531.
14) Y. Abe, K. Mori and O. Ebihara, Optimisation of Distribution of Wall Thickness in Multi-Stage Sheet Metal Forming of Wheel Disk,J. Materials Processing Tech., 125-126(2002),792-797.
15) K. Mori, Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Simulation of Metal Forming Processes, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e. d. M. Kiuchi et al), 1(2002), 261-270.
16)Y. Harada, K. Mori, T. Fujioka, S. Maki, T. Ito, E. Nagashima and H.Takeda, Shot Peening Process of Inner Surface of Machine Parts Using Rebound of Shots, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e. d. M. Kiuchi et al), 1(2002), 709-714.
17) Y. Abe, K. Mori and O. Ebihara, Formation of Shock Lines in Multi-Stage Sheet Metal Forming, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e. d. M. Kiuchi et al), 1(2002), 865-870.
18) S. Maki, D. Nakagawara, Y. Harada and K. Mori, One-Piece Forming of Rim and Disk for Automobile Wheel, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e. d. M. Kiuchi et al), 2(2002), 1399-1404.
19) K. Mori, O. Ebihara and N. Hiramatsu, Simplified There-Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Roll Forming of Wheel Rims, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e. d. M. Kiuchi et al), 2(2002), 1435-1440.
20) I. Fukuda, Y. Tanaka, T. Danmoto and Y.Harada, Effect of thickness reduction by rolling on the ductile-brittle transition temperature of sintered molybdenum, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e.d. M. Kiuchi et al.), 2(2002), 1177-1182.
21) Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, K. Mori and S. Maki, Workability in rolling and upsetting of unidirectionally solidified chromium, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 2002 (e.d. M. Kiuchi et al.), 2(2002), 1741-1747.
22) 汪涛, 川上正博, 森謙一郎, 放射および自然対流伝達条件下における鉄鋼スクラップ余熱過程の基礎的解析, 鉄と鋼, 88-12(2002), 831-837.
23) 森謙一郎, 平松直登, 海老原治, 自動車用ホイールリムのロール成形の近似3次元有限要素シミュレーションと素環肉厚分布の決定, 塑性と加工, 43-503(2002), 1188-1192.
24) M. Umeda, K. Mori and M. Murakami, Finite element simulation of compaction and sintering of tiles having two layers of powders, Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites VIII, (ed. J.P. Singh et al.), (2002), 59-70, American Ceramic Society.
1) 牧清二郎, 青山直樹, 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 通電加熱を利用したセラミック粒子分散金属基複合材の焼結成形, 塑性と加工, 42-480(2001), 43-47.
2) 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 原政明, 牧清二郎, マスキングによる部分ショットライニング加工, 塑性と加工, 42-480(2001), 48-52.
3) 牧清二郎, 竹田貴博, 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 中村雅勇, 浮動拡管プラグ曲げに対する引き力付加の検討, 塑性と加工, 42-481(2001), 129-133.
4) 海老原治, 森謙一郎, 好井健司, 高橋大, 阿部正裕, 揺動成形を用いたトラック・バス用大型ホイールディスクにおける成形条件の決定と円環肉厚分布の最適化, 塑性と加工, 42-483(2001), 348-352.
5) K. Mori and N. Hiramatsu, Simplified three-dimensional simulation of ring rolling with grooved rolls by rigid-plastic finite element method using generalized plane-strain modeling, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 29(2001), 3-8.
6) Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, S. Maki and K. Mori, Improvement of rolling workability of pure chromium using sandwich-rolling, Proc. 4th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (e.d. A.M. Habraken), (2001), 851-854.
7) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Application of resistance sintering technique to fabrication of metal matrix composite, Materials Processing Tech., 119(2001), 210-215.
8) M. Shimizu, H. Nomura and H. Matsubara, K. Mori 3D simulations of sintering and grain growth by Monte Carlo method, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 233-238, Balkema.
9) K. Mori, H. Matsubara and M. Umeda Finite element simulation of sintering of powder compact using shrinkage curve obtained by Monte Carlo method, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 239-244, Balkema.
10) H. Yoshimura, Y. Mihara and K. Mori, Simplified 3-D FE simulation of rotary piercing controlling rotation of plug, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 577-582, Balkema.
11) K. Mori, N. Hiramatsu and M. Shibata, Simplified three3-dimensional FEM simulation of ring rolling with grooved rolls, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 607-612, Balkema.
12) H. Takuda and K. Mori, Application of ductile fracture criterion to forming limit prediction of sheet metals Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 661-666, Balkema.
13) K. Mori and K. Katoh, Finite element simulation of deep drawing of titanium sheet having high normal anisotropy Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 775-779, Balkema.
14) T. Murao, K. Mori, A. Takagi and H. Okubo, Finite element simulation of redrawing process of cup without blankholder, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 789-794, Balkema.
15) O. Ebihara, K. Mori and K. Akaishi, Simplified three-dimensional finite element simulation of tube spinning, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 927-932, Balkema.
16) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Optimization of shape of workpieces for net shape forming using pressure welding by finite element simulation, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. K. Mori), (2001), 1107-1112, Balkema.
17) H. Takuda, K. Mori, T. Masachika, E. Yamazaki and Y. Watanabe, Finite element analysis of the formability of an austenitic stainless steel sheet in warm deep drawing, Proc. AMPT'01 (e.d. J.M. Torralba), Madrid, 2(2001), 719-726.
18) Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, S. Maki and K.Mori, Sandwich rolling of sintered chromium, Proc. AMPT'01 (e.d. J.M. Torralba), Madrid, 3(2001), 1431-1437.
19) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Sinter-joining of different metal powder compacts using resistance heating, Proc. AMPT'01 (e.d. J.M. Torralba), Madrid, 3(2001), 1475-1482.
20) M. Kawakami, L.Brabie, T. Wang and K. Mori, Heat transfer analysis in heating of steel scrap under reduced, ambient and high pressure, Proc. 3rd Japan-Brazil Symp. on Dust Processing-Energy-Environment in Metallurgical Industries, San Paulo, (2001), 137-150.
21) 牧清二郎, 鵜原和広, 原田泰典, 中村雅勇, 超音波探傷による圧接状態の評価, 材料試験技術, 46-2(2001), 96-101.
22) Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, M. Yoshida, S. Maki and K. Mori, Effect of pressurization on extrusion workability of pure chromium, Int. J. Materials and Product Technology, Special Issue, SPM1, 1(2001), 304-309.
23) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Sinter-forming of ceramic particle dispersedmetal matrix composite using resistance heating, Int. J. Materials and Product Technology, Special Issue, SPM1, 2(2001), 512-517.
24) Y. Harada and M. Ohmori, Effect of Rolling on Ductile-to-brittle Transition Behavior of Sintered Compact Chromium, Proc. 4th Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), 2(2001), 2305-2308.
1) H. Takuda, K. Mori, N. Takakura and K. Yamaguchi, Finite element analysis of limit strains in biaxial stretching of sheet metals allowing for ductile fracture, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 42-4(2000), 785-798.
2) 牧清二郎, 羽根田修, 原田泰典, 中村雅勇, 鉄粉通電焼結体の異種金属部材への焼結同時接合, 塑性と加工, 41-469(2000), 131-135.
3) L.C. Brabie, K. Mori, T. Wang and M. Kawakami, Heat transfer analysis in heating of steel cylinder in a graphite vessel, ISIJ International, 40(2000), S115-119.
4) 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 福岡義晃, 牧清二郎, ばね鋼の温間ショットピーニングにおける加工温度の影響, 塑性と加工, 41-470(2000), 260-264.
5) K. Mori and O. Ebihara, Finite element simulation of orbital forging of large disk with rocking die using axi-symmetric approximation, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 28(2000), 9-14
6) K. Mori and H. Yoshimura, 3-D rigid-plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix for large-scale simulation of metal forming processes, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 42-7(2000), 1821-1834.
7) K. Mori, H. Takahashi and O. Ebihara, Finite element simulation of orbital forming of large disk for automobile wheel with rocking die, Metal Forming 2000 (e.d. M. Pietrzyk et al.), (2000), 185-190, Balkema.
8) Y. Harada, K. Mori, M. Hara and S. Maki, Partial lining of metals with thin foils using shot peening, Metal Forming 2000 (e.d. M. Pietrzyk et al.), (2000), 343-348, Balkema.
9) H. Takuda K. Yoshii, H. Fujimoto and K. Mori, Deformation behaviour and forming limit in press forming of thick sheet metals, Metal Forming 2000 (e.d. M. Pietrzyk et al.), (2000), 733-7389 Balkema.
10) M. Kawakami, L.Brabie, T. Wang and K. Mori, Heat transfer analysis in heating of steel scrap under reduced and ambient pressure, Proc. Asia Steel Int. Conf., Beijing, C(2000), 674-681.
11) 好井健司, 阿部正裕, 木村尚, 泉田耕司, 海老原治, 森謙一郎, 揺動鍛造を利用したトラック・バス用大型ホイールディスク成形プロセスの開発,塑性と加工, 41-476(2000), 926-930.
12) 牧清二郎, 辻信彦, 原田泰典, 中村雅勇, アルミニウム合金圧接継手の疲労強度, 塑性と加工, 41-478(2000), 1113-1117.
13) 牧清二郎, 京増泰範, 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 銅−グラファイト混合粉の加圧通電焼結, 塑性と加工, 41-478(2000), 1129-1133.
14) M. Morinaga, Y. Murata, T. Maruta, T. Kanamori, Y. Harada, M. Fujine and Y. Matsumoto, Improvement in ductility by controlling grain boundary structures in high purity chromium, Proc. 20th ASM Heat Treating Society Conf., ASM International 2000, St. Louis, (2000), 461-465.
1) K. Mori and N. Oketani, Prediction of coiling conditions of plate in coilbox by controlled FEM simulation, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 39-3(1999), 403-413.
2) 森謙一郎, 和田紀彦, 小坂田宏造, 傾斜積層粉末材の焼結における不均一収縮のFEMシミュレーションと割れ発生の予測, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 65-630(1999), 779-785.
3) K. Mori Y. Sato, M. Shiomi and K. Osakada: Prediction of fracture generated by elastic recoveries of tools in multi-level powder compaction using finite element simulation, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 39-7(1999), 1031-1045.
4) K. Mori, M. Shiomi and K. Osakada, Ejection of central liquid metal in slab during solidification using sequential forging with specified dies, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 27(1999), 25-30.
5) 原田泰典, 森謙一郎, 牧清二郎, 中村雅勇, 熱間ショットピーニング加工を用いた金属表面の結晶粒微細化, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 65-635(1999), 2919-2924.
6) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Application of resistance sintering technique to fabrication of metal matrix composite, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, AMPT'99 (e.d. M.S.J.Hashmi et al.), 2(1999), 1293-1302.
7) K. Mori and K. Osakada: Net shape approach for sintering procee of graded laminated powder materials using finite element simulation, Annals of the CIRP, 48-1(1999), 239-342.
8) K. Mori, Finite element simulation of nonuniform shrinkage in sintering of powder compact, Proc. Hyuga Hosai Memorial Int. Symp. on Recent Progress in Iron Powder Metallurgy, Sendai, (1999), 156-163.
9) 吉村英徳,森謙一郎,小坂田宏造,対角マトリックスを用いた3次元剛塑性有限要素法,塑性と加工, 40-464(1999), 885-889.
10) 原田泰典,森謙一郎,牧清二郎,ショットピーニングを用いた金属表面への薄板の接合加工,塑性と加工, 40-464(1999), 895-899.
11) K. Mori and O. Ebihara, Simplified three-dimensional finite element simulation of ring rolling, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1999 (e. d. M. Geiger), 2(1999), 959-964.
12) S. Maki, N. Tsuji, Y. Harada and M. Nakamura, Fatigue strength of pressure welded joint of aluminum alloys, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1999 (e. d. M. Geiger), 2(1999), 1469-1474.
13) Y. Harada, K. Mori, Y. Fukuoka and S. Maki, Improvement of mechanical properties of spring steel using warm shot peening, Advanced Technology of Plasticity 1999 (e. d. M. Geiger), 2(1999), 1489-1494.
14) 牧清二郎,廣岡良顕,ひずみ漸増繰り返し圧縮試験法,材料試験技術, 44-1(1999), 15-19.
15) 牧清二郎,原田泰典,中村雅勇,金属の摺動凝着試験,材料試験技術, 44-2(1999), 100-105.
16) 森謙一郎,久次米竜太,小坂田宏造,有限要素法を用いた圧粉成形の粒子系解析法, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 65-639(1999), 2224-2229.
17) H. Takuda, K. Mori, H. Fujimoto and N. Hatta, Prediction of forming limit in bore-expanding of sheet metals using ductile fracture criterion, J. Materials Processing Tech., 92-93(1999), 433-438.
18) H. Takuda, K. Mori and N. Hatta, The application of some criteria for ductile fracture to the prediction of the forming limit of sheet metals, J. Materials Processing Tech., 95(1999), 116-121.
19) 牧清二郎,原田泰典,中村雅勇,低圧力下での鉄粉の通電焼結特性,塑性と加工, 40-466(1999), 1101-1105.
20) 原田泰典,森謙一郎,牧清二郎,ショットピーニングを用いたアルミニウム合金材への硬質金属薄板の接合,塑性と加工, 40-466(1999), 1106-1110.
1) 宅田裕彦, 森謙一郎, 金城正志, 八田夏夫, 延性破壊条件を考慮した穴拡げ加工の有限要素解析, 鉄と鋼, 84-3(1998), 182-187.
2) 森謙一郎, 桶谷直弘, 楊剛, 小坂田宏造, 有限要素シミュレーションを用いたコイルボックスにおける板材巻取り条件の決定方法, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 64-619(1998), 1060-1065.
3) K. Mori, T. Wada and K. Osakada, Finite element simulation of shrinkage behaviour in sintering of graded powder compact, Proc. Int. Sympo. Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, (e.d. T. Kobayashi et al.), Toyohashi, (1998), 463-468.
4) K. Hayashi, M. Nakamura, S. Maki and Y. Harada, Bending of plastic pipe using floating expanding plug, Proc. Int. Sympo. Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, (e.d. T. Kobayashi et al.), Toyohashi, (1998), 751-756
5) Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, H. Ando and S. Maki, Mechanical properties of chromium-nickel sintered powders produced by means of a thermo-mechanical treatment, Proc. Int. Sympo. Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, (e.d. T. Kobayashi et al.), Toyohashi, (1998), 775-780.
6) S. Maki, M. Nakamura and Y. Harada, Adhesive test of metals for evaluation of cold pressure weldability, Proc. Int. Sympo. Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials, (e.d. T. Kobayashi et al.), Toyohashi, (1998), 793-798
7) K. Mori, M. Otsu, N. Fujiwara and K. Osakada, Incremental hammering forming of sheet metal automated using CCD camera and database, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 26(1998), 49-54.
8) 吉村英徳, 小坂田宏造, 森謙一郎, 剛塑性有限要素法による穿孔圧延の近似3次元シミュレーション, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 64-622(1998), 1089-1095.
9) 森謙一郎,大津雅亮,藤原直之,小坂田宏造,CCDカメラとデータベースを用いた板材のハンマリング逐次成形, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 64-622(1998), 2240-2246.
10) H. Yoshimura, K. Mori and K. Osakada, Treatment of boundary conditions in 3-D rigid-plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. J. Huetink et al.), (1998), 239-244, Balkema.
11) K. Mori, K. Maeda, K. Osakada and S. Maki, Finite element simulation of electric current, temperature and densification behaviour in electrical heating powder compaction, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. J. Huetink et al.), (1998), 517-522, Balkema.
12) S. Maki, K. Mori, T. Takeda and Y. Harada, Draw bending pf aluminum pipes using eccentric plug, Proc. ICAA-6, Toyohashi, 1(1998), 443-448.
13) Y. Harada, K. Mori and S. Maki, Lining of aluminum alloys with hard metal foils using shot peening, Proc. ICAA-6, Toyohashi, 3(1998), 1537-1542.
14) S. Maki, Y. Harada and K. Mori, Characteristics of reciprocating slide adhesion of aluminum metal, Proc. ICAA-6, Toyohashi, (1998), 1735-1740.
15) Y. Harada, M. Ohmori and H. Ando, Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Chromium-Nickel Sintered Compacts by Repeated Rolling and Annealing, Proc. 3rd Pacific Rim Int. Conf. on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM3), 2(1998), 2707-2712.
16) M. Shiomi, Y. Itakura, K. Mori and K. Osakada, Finite element analysis of liquid ejection in continuously cast slab by sequential forging, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 38/10-11(1998), 1149-1163.
17) K. Mori, M. Shiomi and K. Osakada, Inclusion of microscopic rotation of powder particles during compaction in finite element method using Cosserat continuum theory, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 42-8(1998), 847-856.
18) K. Mori, M. Ohashi and K. Osakada, Simulation of microscopic shrinkage behaviour in sintering of powder compact, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 40-10(1998), 989-999.
19) 大津雅亮, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:回転だ円体要素を用いた三次元個別要素法の開発, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 64-623(1998), 1792-1798.
20) S. Maki, K. Hayashi, Y. Harada and M. Nakamura, Bending of circular pipe making use of a floating expanding plug, Proc. 4th IC(AMPT98), Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, (e.d. A.M.S Hamouda et al.), Kuala Lumpur, (1998), 515-522.
21) Y. Harada, K. Mori and S. Maki, Lining of metal plates with foils using hot shot peening, J. Materials Processing Tech., 80-81(1998), 309-314.
22) M. Otsu, K. Mori and K. Osakada, Inclusion of pressure of liquid phase in three-dimensional distinct element simulation of mushy-state forming, J. Materials Processing Tech., 80-81(1998), 438-443.
23) K. Mori, H. Yoshimura and K. Osakada, Simplified three-dimensional simulation of rotary piercing of seamless pipe by rigid-plastic finite element method, J. Materials Processing Tech., 80-81(1998), 700-706.
24) 原田泰典,大森正信,安藤博紀,松井英則,沖田智樹, クロム−ニッケル焼結材の繰り返し圧延・焼鈍による機械的性質の改善, 日本金属学会誌,62-9(1998),868-875.
25) 森謙一郎,佐藤芳樹,塩見誠規,小坂田宏造:有限要素シミュレーションを用いた多段圧粉成形の弾性回復による割れ発生の予測, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 64-628(1998), 4869-4875.
26)F. Yoshida, T. Okada, M. Itoh, Y. Harada and M. Ohmori: Bendability of Aluminum- and Steel-clad Chromium Plates; Metals and Materials, 4-3(1998), 426-431.
1) K. Mori, M. Otsu and K. Osakada, Distinct element simulation of grain alignment in mushy-state forging of magnets, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 39-7(1997), 771-780.
2) H. Yoshimura, K. Mori and K. Osakada, 3-D rigid-plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix, Computational Plasticity, (e.d. D.R.J. Owen et al.), 1(1997), 589-594, CIMNE.
3) K. Mori, Combination of finite element simulation and AI techniques in forming processes, Computational Plasticity, (e.d. D.R.J. Owen et al.), 2(1997), 1355-1362, CIMNE.
4) M. Otsu, K. Mori and K. Osakada, Three-dimensional distinct element simulation of grain alignment in mushy-state forging of magnet, Computational Plasticity, (e.d. D.R.J. Owen et al.), 2(1997), 1387-1392, CIMNE.
5) H. Takuda, K. Mori, H. Fujimoto and N. Hatta, Fracture prediction in stretch forming using finite element simulation combined with ductile fracture criterion, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 67(1997), 143-150.
6) K. Mori, M. Shiomi and K. Osakada, Determination of roll speed in twin roll strip casting using finite element simulation and model experiment, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 25(1997), 7-12.
7) K. Mori and K. Osakada, Finite element simulation of jetting behaviour in metal injection molding using remeshing scheme, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (Int. J. Applied Finite Elements and Computer Aided Engineering), 25(1997), 319-330.
8) 大津雅亮, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造, 個別要素法シミュレーションを用いた磁性材料の半溶融鍛造における加工条件の決定, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 63-609(1997), 1089-1095.
9) K. Mori, M. Miyazaki and K. Osakada, Prediction of fracture during sintering of ceramic powder compact, JSME Int. J., 40-2, C(1997), 329-334.
10) H. Takuda, K. Mori, H. Fujimoto and N. Hatta, Prediction of forming limit in bore-expanding of sheet metals using ductile fracture criterion, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies AMPT'97,(e.d. M. Andritschky et al.) 2(1997), 809-814.
11) K. Mori, M. Miyazaki and K. Osakada, Prediction of fracture in sintering of ceramic powder compact, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 37-9(1997), 1327-1336.
12) 牧清二郎, 平井光生,中村雅勇,衝撃硬さの計算機シミュレーション, 材料試験技術, 42-2(1997), 123-128.
13) 林清隆,中村雅勇, 牧清二郎, 原田泰典, 浮動拡管プラグ曲げ加工における二,三の工夫, 塑性と加工,38-433(1997), 171-176.
14) 中村雅勇, 牧清二郎, 原田泰典, 林清隆,浮動拡管プラグ曲げにおける加工条件の影響, 塑性と加工,38-434(1997),271-276.
15) 林清隆, 中村雅勇, 牧清二郎, 原田泰典, 熱可塑性プラスチックパイプの浮動拡管プラグ曲げ加工, 塑性と加工, 38-437(1997), 566-570.
16) 林清隆, 中村雅勇, 牧清二郎, 原田泰典, 浮動拡管プラグ曲げ加工の初等理論解析, 塑性と加工, 38-442(1997), 1024-1028.
17) K. Mori, M. Kobayashi and K. Osakada, Combination of neural network and finite element simulation in expert system for roll pass design in shape rolling of H-beams, Proc. Australasia-Pacific Forum on Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials, Gold Coast, 1(1997), 317-323.
18) K. Mori, M. Otsu, N. Fujiwara and K. Osakada, Intelligent incremental forming of sheet metal using CCD camera and pattern recognition, Proc. Australasia-Pacific Forum on Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials, Gold Coast, 2(1997), 738-744.
19)吉田総仁,岡田達夫,佐藤寿明,原田泰典,大森正信:クロム板のロール圧縮曲げ,日本材料学会誌,46-8(1997), 914-918.
1) 大津雅亮, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:磁性材料の半溶融加工における結晶粒配向の個別要素法シミュレーション, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 62-594(1996), 452-457.
2) 森謙一郎, 宮崎雅英, 小坂田宏造:セラミックス圧粉体の焼結における割れ発生の予測, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 62-595(1996), 1176-1181.
3) K. Mori, C.C. Wang and K. Osakada: Inclusion of elastic deformation in rigid-plastic finite element analysis, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 38-6(1996), 621-631.
4) K. Mori, K. Osakada and S. Takaoka: Simplified three-dimensional simulation of non-isothermal filling in metal injection molding by the Finite Element Method, Engineering Computations, 13-2/3/4(1996), 111-121.
5) K. Mori and H. Takuda: Prediction of forming limit in deep drawing by combination of finite element simulation and criterion for ductile fracture, Trans. NAMRI/SME, 24(1996), 143-148.
6) 宅田裕彦, 森謙一郎, 広瀬智行, 八田夏夫:簡易延性破壊条件式を用いた鋼/アルミニウム合金積層板の円筒深絞り加工における成形限界予測, 塑性と加工, 37-424(1996), 509-514.
7) H. Takuda, K. Mori, H. Fujimoto and N. Hatta: Prediction of forming limit in deep drawing of Fe/Al laminated composite sheets using ductile fracture, J. Materials Processing Tech., 60(1996), 291-296.
8) K. Mori, M. Yamamoto and K. Osakada: Determination of hammering sequence in incremental sheet metal forming using a genetic algorithm, J. Materials Processing Tech., 60(1996), 463-468.
9) M. Otsu, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Determination of optimum working conditions in mushy-state upsetting of magnet using distinct element simulation, J. Materials Processing Tech., 60(1996), 691-696.
10) K. Mori, K. Osakada and N. Matsuoka: Rigid-plastic finite element simulation of peening process with plastically deforming shot, JSME Int. J., 39-3, A(1996), 306-312.
11) H. Takuda, K. Mori, A. Jinno and N. Hatta: Finite element simulation of redrawing processes with ductile fracture criterion, AEPA '96, (e.d. T. Abe and T. Tsuta), (1996), 691-696, Pergamon.
12) K. Yamaguchi, K. Mori, K. Kawaguchi and N. Takakura: Prediction of forming limit of sheet metals by finite element simulation combined with ductile fracture criterion, AEPA '96, (e.d. T. Abe and T. Tsuta), (1996), 697-702, Pergamon.
13) K. Mori, M. Shiomi and K. Osakada: Inclusion of microscopic rotation in rigid-plastic finite element method using Cosserat continuum theory, AEPA '96, (e.d. T. Abe and T. Tsuta), (1996), 741-746, Pergamon.
14) 塩見誠規,森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:双ロール式ストリップキャスティングにおけるロ ール速度の決定, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 62-601(1996), 3684-3690.
15) H. Yoshimura, K. Osakada and K. Mori: Simplified three-dimensional analysis of rotary piercing of pipe by rigid-plastic finite element method, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Columbus, 1(1996), 95-98.
16) K. Mori, M. Shiomi and K. Osakada: Analysis of powder compaction by rigid-plastic finite element method based on Cosserat continuum theory, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Columbus, 1(1996), 351-354.
17) M. Shiomi, J.H. Xu, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Three-dimensional finite element simulation of buckling behaviour of slab in width sizing process, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Columbus, 1(1996), 355-358.
18) G. Yang, K. Osakada and K. Mori: Analysis of, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Columbus, 1(1996), 351-354.
19) C.C. Wang, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Finite Element Simulation of Thermo-Deep-Drawing of Thermoplastic Thick Plates, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Columbus, 2(1996), 783-786.
20) 森謙一郎, 高岡真司, 小坂田宏造:ジェッティング現象を考慮した金属粉末射出成形の近似3次元有限要素シミュレーション, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 62-602(1996), 2224-2229.
21) 森謙一郎, 山本 政男, 小坂田宏造:遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた板材逐次成形の加工条件の決定, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 62-603(1996), 2456-2461.
22) K. Mori, T. Ueda and K. Oe: Prediction of Curvature in Rolled Plate by 3-D Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Method, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes, London, (1996), 442-449.
23) 森謙一郎, 大橋正浩, 小坂田宏造:粉末圧粉体の焼結における微視的収縮挙動の粒状要素法シミュレーション, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 62-604(1996), 2804-2809.
24) 中村雅勇, 牧清二郎, 原田泰典, 林清隆, 中島正憲, 浮動拡管プラグを用いた円管の曲げ加工, 塑性と加工,37-424(1996), 540-545.
25) 山崎俊博, 牧清二郎, 中村雅勇, ブリネル硬さ試験における圧子下の材料流れの計算機シミュレーション, 材料試験技術, 41-4(1996), 453-460.
26) M. Ohmori, Y. Harada and M. Yoshida, Effect of pressurization on extrusion workability of chromium, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, 1(1996), 251-254.
27) M. Nakamura, S. Maki, M. Nakajima and K. Hayashi, Bending of circular pipe using a floating spherical expanding plug, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, 1(1996), 501-504.
28)M. Ohmori, Y. Harada and M. Taneda: Initiation of Micro-Voids in A Steel Deformed at Room and Blue Brittleness Temperatures, Mat.Trans., JIM,
1) K. Mori, G. Yang and K. Osakada: Determination of Optimal Motion of Tools in Metal Forming Processes by Controlled FEM Simulation, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 35-6(1995), 851-859.
2) 楊剛, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:制御FEMシミュレーションによる不均一曲率分布を持つ板材の三本ロール曲げ加工のロール移動軌跡の決定, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 61-583(1995), 1198-1203.
3) K. Mori, K. Osakada and M. Kobayashi: An Expert System for Roll Pass Design in Shape Rolling of H-Beams, Trans. of NAMRI/SME, 23(1995), 7-12.
4) 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造, 松岡直樹:ショットの塑性変形を考慮したショットピ−ニング加工の剛塑性有限要素シミュレーション, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 61-586(1995), 1337-1343.
5) J. Edberg, L.-E. Lindgren and K. Mori: Shot Peening Simulated by Two Different Finite Element Formulations, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. S.-F. Shen et al.), (1995), 425-430, Balkema.
6) G. Yang, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Finite Element Simulation for Determining Tool Motions in Metal Forming Processes, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. S.-F. Shen et al.), (1995), 513-518, Balkema.
7) S. Hayashi, T. Nishino, K. Mori and K. Watanabe: Analysis of Deformation Behavior of Slabs in Edge-Rolling by Three-Dimensional Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Method, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. S.-F. Shen et al.), (1995), 929-934, Balkema.
8) S. Kihara, S. Ochi, K. Hiraki and K. Mori: Finite Element Simulation of Four Roll Bar Rolling, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. S.-F. Shen et al.), (1995), 953-958, Balkema.
9) K. Mori, K. Osakada and S. Takaoka: Finite Element Simulation of Jetting Behaviour in Metal Injection Molding, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. S.-F. Shen et al.), (1995), 1179-1184, Balkema.
10) K. Mori, M. Otsu, K. Osakada and M. Shiomi: Simulation of Grain Alignment in Mushy-State Forging of Magnets by Distinct Element Method, Simulation of Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications (e.d. S.-F. Shen et al.), (1995), 1185-1190, Balkema.
11) M. Otsu, K. Mori, K. Osakada and M. Shiomi: Simulation of Grain Alignment in Plane-Strain Forging of Mushy-State Magnets by Distinct Element and Finite Element Methods, Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, (e.d. S. Tanimura et al.), (1995), 297-300, Gordon and Breach Publishers.
12) H. Takuda, K. Mori, T. Hirose and N. Hatta: Fracture Prediction in Deep Drawing Process by Finite Element Simulation with Ductile Fracture Criterion, Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, (e.d. S. Tanimura et al.), (1995), 815-818, Gordon and Breach Publishers.
13) K. Mori, K. Osakada and S. Takaoka: Finite Element Simulation of Filling into Die Cavity in Metal Injection Molding using Remeshing Scheme, Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, (e.d. S. Tanimura et al.), (1995), 891-894, Gordon and Breach Publishers.
14) M. Shiomi, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Determination of Working Conditions in Twin Roll Strip Casting by Finite Element Simulation, Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, (e.d. S. Tanimura et al.), (1995), 1035-1038, Gordon and Breach Publishers.
15) K. Osakada, C.C. Wang and K. Mori: Controlled FEM Simulation for Determining History of Blank Holding Force in Deep Drawing, Annals of the CIRP, 44-1(1995), 243-246.
16) M. Shiomi, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Finite Element and Physical Simulations of Non-Steady-State Metal Flow and Temperature Distribution in Twin Roll Strip Casting, Modelling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, (e.d. M. Cross et al.), (1995), 793-800, TMS.
17) 塩見誠規, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:有限要素法による双ロール式ストリップキャスティングの非定常挙動のシミュレーション, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 61-589(1995), 3728-3733.
18) 宅田裕彦, 森謙一郎, 広瀬智行, 八田夏夫:延性破壊を考慮した有限要素シミュレーションによる深絞り加工の成形限界予測, 塑性と加工, 36-416(1995), 985-990.
19) 黄 展群, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:U字曲げ試験による板材の変形抵抗曲線の簡便な推定方法, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 61-590(1995), 4094-4099.
20) K. Osakada, K. Mori, G. Yang and C.C. Wang: Controlled FEM Simulation for determining Optimum Motion of Tools in Metal Forming, Proc. 50th Anniversary Conference KSME, (1995), 33-45.
21) 森謙一郎, 小林正貴, 小坂田宏造:H形鋼の孔型圧延における孔型設計用エキスパートシステム, 塑性と加工, 36-418(1995), 1275-1280.
22) 牧清二郎, S.B. Brown, 円錐圧子による動的押込み硬さの計算機シミュレーション (第2報 ひずみ速度依存の場合), 材料試験技術, 40-2(1995), 101-106.
23) S. Maki and M. Nakamura, Characteristics of penetration of Vickers identer under load holding, VDI BERICHT, 1194(1995), 81-90.
1) 森謙一郎, 黄 展群, 小坂田宏造:剛塑性有限要素解析における弾性変形の取込み,日本機械学会論文集A編, 60-573(1994), 1216-1221.
2) K. Mori and K. Osakada: Application of Dynamic Viscoplastic Finite Element Method to Shot-Peening Process, Trans. of NAMRI/SME, 22(1994), 29-34.
3) K. Mori, K. Osakada and T. Aizono: An Expert System for Process Planning in Breakdown Rolling of H-Beams, Int. J. Mach. Tools Manufact., 34-7(1994), 939-948.
4) K. Mori, K. Osakada and S. Kadohata: Finite Element Simulation of Material Flow in Metal Injection Molding, Proc. 3rd World Congress on Computational Mechanics, (1994), 430-431.
5) G. Yang, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Determination of Forming Path in Three-Roll Bending using FEM Simulation and Fuzzy Reasoning, J. Materials Processing Tech., 45(1994), 161-166.
6) K. Mori, K. Osakada and N. Matsuoka: Finite Element Analysis of Peening Process with Plastically Deforming Shot, J. Materials Processing Tech., 45(1994), 607-612.
7) 森謙一郎, 楊剛, 小坂田宏造:制御FEMシミュレーションによる三本ロール曲げ加工の最適加工条件の決定, 日本機械学会論文集C編, 60-579(1994), 3963-3969.
8) 牧清二郎, S.B. Brown, 円錐圧子による動的押込み硬さの計算機シミュレーション (第2報 ひずみ速度非依存の場合), 材料試験技術, 39-2(1994), 128-134.
9) 中村雅勇, 牧清二郎, 村田信一, 圧痕の変化による幅方向圧延圧力分布の測定, 材料試験技術, 39-3(1994), 180-187.
10) Y. Harada and M. Ohmori, Dynamic Strain Aging Behavior of Cast and Sintered Chromiums, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Ultra High Purity Base Metals, (1994), 353-358.
1) 森謙一郎, 相薗岳生, 小坂田宏造:H形鋼のブレ−クダウン圧延における工程設計用エキスパ−トシステム, 塑性と加工, 34-384(1993), 100-105.
2) 曽谷保博, 平川智之,生井賢治,畑中政之,森謙一郎:管材のレデュ−サ圧延における3次元シミュレ−ションと厚肉鋼管製造技術, 鉄と鋼, 79-3(1993), 424-430.
3) K. Shinagawa, K. Osakada and K. Mori: Microscopic Modelling of Non-Uniform Shrinkage by FEM, Computer Aided Innovation of New Materials II (e.d. M. Doyama), (1993), 1747-1750, Elsevier Science Publishers.
4) K. Mori, K. Osakada and T. Hirano: Finite Element Modelling of Nonuniform Shrinkage in Sintering of Ceramic Powder Compact, Computer Aided Innovation of New Materials II (e.d. M. Doyama et al.), (1993), 1781-1784, Elsevier Science Publishers.
5) K. Mori and K. Osakada: FEM Simulator with Mesh Generator for Shape Rolling, Trans. of NAMRI/SME, 21(1993), 9-15.
6) K. Osakada, G. Yang and K. Mori: Determination of Optimum Forming Path in Three-Roll Bending by Combination of Fuzzy Reasoning and Finite Element Simulation, Annals of the CIRP, 42-1(1993), 291-294.
7) 品川一成, 武岡努, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:加工誘起変態を考慮したSUS304ステン レス鋼板の温間深絞り加工の有限要素シミュレ−ション, 塑性と加工, 34-390(1993), 794-799.
8) K. Mori, K. Osakada and S. Kadohata: Finite Element Simulation ofThree-Dimensional Buckling in Upsetting and Heading of Cylindrical Billet, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Beijing, 2(1993), 1047-1052.
9) G. Yang, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Finite Element Simulation of Plane-Strain Three-Roll Bending of Plates, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Beijing, 3(1993), 1596-1601.
10) F. Yoshida, K. Mori, M. Ohmori and T. Okada: Deep Drawing of Copper/Steel Sheet Metal Laminate, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Beijing, 3(1993), 1657-1662.
11) K. Mori, K. Osakada and M. Kobayashi: Finite Element Simulation and Expert System for Shape Rolling, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes, London, (1993), 692-706.
12) 楊剛, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造, 須尭正二:板材の三本ロ−ル曲げの有限要素法シミュレ−ション, 塑性と加工, 34-392(1993), 1034-1039.
13) K. Mori, K. Osakada and H. Yamaguchi: Prediction of Curvature of an Extruded Bar with Non-Circular Cross-Section by a 3-D Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Method, Int. J. Mech. Sci., 35-10(1993), 879-887.
14) 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造, 塩見誠規, 岡田達夫:ショットピーニング加工における塑性変形および残留応力の三次元有限要素シミュレ−ション (単一ショットによる変形), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 59-566(1993), 2420-2426.
15) 塩見誠規, 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:剛塑性有限要素法による定常静水圧押出しのシミュレ−ション, 日本機械学会論文集A編, 59-568(1993), 3000-3005.
1) K. Mori, K. Osakada and T. Hirano: Finite Element Simulation of Nonuniform Shrinkage during Sintering of Ceramic Products, Hot Isostatic Pressing - Theory and Applications (e.d. M. Koizumi), (1992), 29-34, Elsevier Applied Science.
2) K. Mori, K. Osakada and H. Yamaguchi: Finite Element Simulation of Three-Dimensional Extrusion of Sections, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, (1992), 1139-1149, Pineridge Press.
3) K. Mori: Finite Element Simulation of Nonuniform Shrinkage in Sintering of Ceramic Powder Compact, Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes NUMIFORM 92 (e.d. J.-L. Chenot et al.), (1992), 69-78, Balkema.
4) M. Shiomi, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Finite Element Simulation of Metal Flow and Temperature Distribution in Twin Roll Strip Casting, Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes NUMIFORM 92 (e.d. J.-L. Chenot et al.), (1992), 829-834, Balkema.
1) K. Mori and K. Osakada: Non-Steady-State Simulation of Three-Dimensional Deformation around Front and Rear Ends in Shape Rolling by the Finite Element Method, Trans. of NAMRI/SME, 19(1991), 9-14.
2) 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:孔形圧延における三次元塑性変形の有限要素シミュレーション(第3報, 先後端部の非定常変形のシミュレーション), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 57-538(1991), 1357-1361.
3) K. Yamaguchi, T. Kawaguchi, T. Goto and K. Mori: Evaluation of Limiting Drawing Ratio of Laminated Composite Sheets by Finite Element Simulation, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials 6, Kyoto, 1(1991), 227-232, Pergamon Press.
4) K. Mori, T. Kawaguchi and K. Yamaguchi: Finite Element Simulation of Three-Dimensional Deformation in Punch Stretching of Sheet Metals, Computer Aided Innovation of New Materials (e.d. M. Doyama et al.), (1991), 645-648, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
5) K. Mori, K. Osakada and M. Shiomi: Finite Element Modelling of Forming Process of Solid Metal with Liquid Phase, J. Materials Processing Tech., 27-1-3(1991), 111-118.
6) K. Shinagawa, K. Mori and K. Osakada: Finite Element Simulation of Deep Drawing of Stainless Steel Sheet with Deformation Induced Transformation, J. Materials Processing Tech., 27-1-3(1991), 301-310.
7) 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造, 米田辰雄, 平野俊明:有限要素法による焼結後のセラミック部品の形状予測, 塑性と加工, 32-368(1991), 1136-1141.
8) 森謙一郎, 三原豊, 曽谷保博, 秋田真次:管材のレデュ−サにおける内面角張りに及ぼす圧延条件の影響, 塑性と加工, 32-369(1991), 1262-1267.
1) 森謙一郎, 小坂田宏造:孔形圧延における三次元塑性変形の有限要素シミュレーション(第1報, 定常変形の完全三次元シミュレーション), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 56-525(1990), 1288-1294.
2) K. Mori and K. Osakada: Application of Finite Deformation Theory in Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Simulation, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Kyoto, 2(1990), 877-882.
3) K. Mori: General Purpose FEM Simulator for 3-D Rolling, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Kyoto, 4(1990), 1773-1778.
4) K. Osakada, G.-B. Yang, T. Nakamura and K. Mori: Expert System for Cold-Forging Process Based on FEM Simulation, Annals of the CIRP, 39-1(1990), 249-252.
5) 岡田達夫, 小坂田宏造, 森謙一郎, 古元秀昭:孔形圧延における三次元塑性変形の有限要素シミュレーション(第2報, 一般化平面ひずみによる近似三次元シミュレーション), 日本機械学会論文集A編, 56-528(1990), 1893-1899.
6) K. Mori and K. Osakada: Finite Element Simulation of Three-Dimensional Deformation in Shape Rolling, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 30-8(1990), 1431-1440.
7) K. Mori and K. Osakada: Simulation of Metal Forming Processes by the Rigid-Plastic Finite Element Method, Computational Plasticity (e.d. T.Inoue et al.), (1990), 201-215, Elsevier Applied Science.
8)大森正信,原田泰典,伊藤操,吉田総仁:クロムの動ひずみ時効,日本金属学会誌,54-3(1990), 270-275.
9)原田泰典,大森正信,大西新一:溶製クロムの圧延とすえ込み加工,日本金属学会誌,54-4(1990), 473-479.
10)Y. Harada, M. Ohmori, F. Yoshida and M. Itoh: Rolling of Sintered Powder Chromium, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Tech. Plasticity, Kyoto, 2(1990),719-722.